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Engineering Degree

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Hello all,


A few weeks ago I asked people to complete a survey for me to gather general information about air rifle cleaning habits – I had a brilliant response so thank you to everyone who completed it for me. As part of my engineering degree I have to design and manufacture an innovative hand tool and in response to the survey I am planning to produce an air rifle cleaning and maintenance tool.


I have nearly completed my designs now, but I need to evaluate them against existing products. To help me do this I was wondering if people would mind writing a quick sentence about any products they use/have used and any good or bad points they have experienced. It could be about any kind of tool for any part of the rifle (such as barrel, stock, scope, etc.). The idea is that once I have this information I can ensure my designs encompass the good points of other designs, and hopefully eradicate the bad points!


Sorry if it sounds a bit vague, I am trying to avoid asking a leading question! I would really appreciate some responses if you could spare me a few seconds though!


A quick example to get you started:


Product: Push-through cleaning rods.

Good Points: Different cleaning tools can be attached for different purposes and calibre of rifles.

Bad Points: Only performs one function (ie cleaning the inside of the barrel) which is not required very often.



If you have any questions please ask!




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