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ok folks had to go up the town today got a call from the gf who said the pup had hurt its back leg playing with a ball in the kitchen.came home and she wont put the leg down if you touched it at first she was yelping.anyway after a bit she let me touch it and i went all over the leg her toes foot are fine and can bend the 1st joint but she aint putting it on the ground.top of the leg seems ok but she has certainly hurt it someway.i dont think there anything broken.she asleep on the couch now.but sometimes if she moves it hurts her.i will take her to the vet if it is still as bad but was just wondering if anyone had a similar thing happen,before i go running to vet and get conned with xrays and the usual shit they can notch up to rip you off!oh the f*****g joys of pups eh :blink:

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Shit mate. :( I'd have been tempted to leave it a few hours though. I've found that pups sometimes suffer in the mind with a tweek for a few hours or even a day after they've had a little knock, and come right of their own accord.


Saying that, better safe than sorry, and I hope the damage isn't too great to your pup or your wallet. :thumbs:

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dnt want to put you on a downer but my lab pup did her leg in and they xrayed and all that and she shipped a bone in her leg.

she is now ok although walks a little funny on the leg but had her out shooting and doesnt bother her abit.

i was £1000 at vets

gd luck and lets know how you get on


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yea malt i was gonna leave her till tea time cause i know a pup can be a bit of squealer if they get hurt,but even lying on the couch everytime she moved she was yelping the house down.poor wee bugger.ive to call back at 5pm and they will tell me the news.hopefully i wont have an 8week old pup in a f*****g stookie lol. A £1,000 f**k makes me wanna go back on the bevy hahah.

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just an update,the pup has broken her back leg.unbelievable playing with a ball in my kitchen and picked up this kind of injury.well she will need to have an operation and will have a framework on her leg and will have to have a collar and will need to be confined to a cage for 5 weeks.after speaking to the vet he explained she basically will need hand reared as she cannot be allowed to run about.well the receptionist in the practise has said she would take her think they all fell love with the pup.she was a cracker like.anyway i decided to sign the wee bitch over to her.there was no way i was gonna get her pts so i think this was a good decision even though im gutted about it.and as the vet said that he didnt think she would be able to do a hard days runnin.upside is im getting her litter brother which im gonna wrap in cotton wool lol dont think i have had such bad luck as this month has been.gutted but hopefully my luck will change.thanks for all the replys guys very much appreciated.

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just an update,the pup has broken her back leg.unbelievable playing with a ball in my kitchen and picked up this kind of injury.well she will need to have an operation and will have a framework on her leg and will have to have a collar and will need to be confined to a cage for 5 weeks.after speaking to the vet he explained she basically will need hand reared as she cannot be allowed to run about.well the receptionist in the practise has said she would take her think they all fell love with the pup.she was a cracker like.anyway i decided to sign the wee bitch over to her.there was no way i was gonna get her pts so i think this was a good decision even though im gutted about it.and as the vet said that he didnt think she would be able to do a hard days runnin.upside is im getting her litter brother which im gonna wrap in cotton wool lol dont think i have had such bad luck as this month has been.gutted but hopefully my luck will change.thanks for all the replys guys very much appreciated.



That's rotten bad luck :( But at least the wee thing will get a cushy pet home and lots of attention, so good on ya for that.

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Cheers and yea dell im usually pretty lucky but not this month :cry: .yep she in the best place the vets keeping her in the practise till she is recovered.if it wasnt getting rehomed i was bringing her back with me and keeping her as a pet as i said i never even considered having her PTS no matter what the cost shit state of affairs but thats the downside of owning dogs just goes to show you how easy a bad injury can occur no matter what precautions you take.

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