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Lamping Comp!!!!

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Same bleating moaning people, i'd have thought even the green eyed monster would've got bored by now, chimp is right, 2 years on and still cant let it go..........in the final at the end of the season, in 1hr 45 mins we caught more rabbits than mark managed to produce in his first heat at the start of the season, so he's not really the best person to be talking numbers is he!!!!!


The comp will be run next year and the rules will have been tweaked, i'll give it another crack on a first come first served basis, just cause i know this will be a worse punishment for mark to have to sit and read about it all over again, by the way mark my numbers changed so you'll have to some asking about to give me some crank threats........

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I've had numerous PMs asking me whether i'll be doing a lamping competition this year and although i've had the summer away from the sites and the silliness, i'll not be doing one this coming season,

Same bleating moaning people, i'd have thought even the green eyed monster would've got bored by now, chimp is right, 2 years on and still cant let it go..........in the final at the end of the season

Of course Bruce is not the best out there ! But he's a VERY good "allrounder", who's taken game consistently, day and night. LDR has NEVER bulled him up, in fact, quite the opposite ! But when a guy d

  On 20/08/2010 at 10:38, ryanmc said:


how i saw it was you should of re run mark on a fair amount of rabbits,not the 11 or so that was caught between 2 dogs in 1 hr 45,

instead of babbling on like an old women get in touch with him iam sure he will run you for a fair amount of money when his bitch has had her litter,

you realy are like a spoilt little brat fella using the net to hide your lies,


HOW YOU SAW IT. you wernt even on this site when this happened, your just listning to the crap marks telling you


LOOK here fella you wernt there i was , there were 20 rabbits cought, dont belive evrything the brick tells ya. now go back to mark and ask him how many he cought in his first round on his land back in the autum, they cought 12 or 13 in 3 hours with both dogs,

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whether you caught 5 or 50 rabbits the idea of the comp is who catches the most with whats on the ground i agree tomo maybe the comp should try finishing by november but as seen before weather will stop that.Good choice in running your dog in company you like enjoying it is the main thing good luck with next year.

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Haven't really been on here properly for a while and just catching up on everything but somethings never change.


LDR, no matter what you do there will always be someone having a go. Really bugs me the way some people go on.


I ran in the first comp with one of my whippets and had a good night with Fieldmarshall. Met a sound bloke, a few runs and had a bit of a laugh. To me thats what the comp was about.


I really cant get my head round why people get so worked up about it all. I love being out with the dogs as mutch as the next man but for me its about sport - Not life and Death!


There are so many folks got opinions of everything but when push comes to shove people manage to come up with reasons for not entering the comps. That's fair enough but they shouldn't then slate everyone who enters or the person running it.


Life is far too short.

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  On 20/08/2010 at 11:01, IanB said:

Some good dogs coming through, sure we could organise it, plenty of lads with good rabbiting land... Tomo get it sorted lad, just keep the messers at bay, especailly the elevenerife types.. :D




100% tomo would run a good competion and hes made some good friends over the years with good rabbit land.

even i will come in it if tomo runs a competion ian

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Is mark still brandishing these run offs for huge sums of money in the hope it'll frighten people off..........the thing is he actually chalks it up as a genuine win without even having to run his dog!!!!!! Anyway whats the point in running him again, he cant produce the numbers on his land as is well documented, he cant actually go for 3 hours unless its from the comfort of his jeep, he's no sportsman and on the night more than anything else he let his dog down massively!!!! now like i said i'm having one last season with my dog and like tomo it'll be surrounded by friends and sport........oh and all the invites i got to go out with people along the way, some of them down near your precious bessy mate, but i aint gonna drive the length of the country to be in the company of that muppet, but tell him i said hi!!!!

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  On 20/08/2010 at 19:17, dytkos said:

Does every post that has Mbricks name up get pulled? Or just mine?

Cheers, D.

not every post , if your slagging him like LDR does then the post stays , if your not it goes ALL one sided, but thats how LDR likes things .

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  On 19/08/2010 at 10:01, TOMO said:
  On 19/08/2010 at 07:57, iceman001979 said:
  On 18/08/2010 at 18:22, chartpolski said:
  On 18/08/2010 at 07:21, iceman001979 said:

All still crying over what happen last year why dont just run the final again start off this year best 3 or like men a few pound and stop beeting on like kids


Why on earth should the final be run again ??? It was run on Tomo's land and all parties left happy, with no complaints, even though there was a lack of rabbits.



Because the winner caught 4 rabbits thats a joke how can yea find out best lamping dog on land with no rabbits???

Why was it run there if there was no rabbits why was there not land found with plent rabbits on it till run the final???


your right iceman it was a poor show for the final, it was on my land and i was very embarrased about the numbers we cought, nothing to do with the dogs, just a sheer lack of bunnys on the night.


if you look at my posts from earlier last season you will see a lot of big bags of bunnys taken , perhaps i over did it, and of course the final wasnt till the end of march after all the snow, which proberbly didn't help the bunny numbers.


one thing about these comps though, they realy should be run from sept till november at the latest :thumbs:


i steped in last minut to hold the final, cos of all the arguing on the site, i genuinly thought we would get at least 20, even on moonlit nights last year we were getting 30's, but it wasn't to be.


the good thing was meeting torchy and big boy, and there coming up for a look this autum to hopfully show them some good sport :thumbs:

tomo i dont think you need to come on here explaining yourself pal.We have all seen the big numbers that land has produced last season.Its not your fault the comp was still running in bloody march

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