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Amount of dogs for sale

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The season is just about upon us and yet theres dozens of dogs for sale..whats the craic there then? All still with the same old excuses of ..its too big..its too little...ive been kicked out..ive sp

Of course all my dogs haven't all worked to a very high standard....no two dogs of mine have ever worked alike....all having different strengths and weaknesses. They have all worked to a standard im h

Times are hard for everyone and some take advantage of there dogs by breeding , although likely they aren't really worth breeding from , after all we cannot all have top dogs can we   time and

Guest fence_hopper
  On 17/08/2010 at 10:00, blue staffy said:
  On 17/08/2010 at 09:28, fence_hopper said:
  On 17/08/2010 at 09:02, poacher3161 said:

The amount of well bred pups about i still carnt get my head around why any body would still want to breed off ex track greyhound bitches:hmm:



speaking for myself. i prefer to breed from a track bitch i know what i'm getting, wouldnt mind if i then used lurcher to lurcher breeding coz i know whats in them. all this deerhound greyound x collie greyound x suluki greyhound stuff aint for me to much in the mix, keep it simple imo


agree with fh if you breed from greyhound you kno what you getting , i've got 3 lurchers and i kno all the parents that they bred off , only had lurchers 14 years and at the start i bought adult dogs that were meant to be doing it all but never did in the last 10 year all my dogs have been got as pups from good freinds that i trust and have seen parents work so i kno exactly what i have



i bought a dog when i was 16 at 17 months old took a risk and bought it from the local paper, 9 and a half years later still here couldnt of asked for a better dog and am lucky to have got a genuine dog. there are some genuine dogs out there its just luck if they land with the right people to bring them on.

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just too add my two pence worth ........ if more people culled big litters instead of pricing the puppies heads there would not be such a problem as too many dogs for sale ..... but hey there you go the human race are generally greedy f**kers :thumbs:

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Guest fence_hopper

bang on otter you freak :tongue2: people are to soft about culling a few pups with all there excuses they do alot worse in the fields imo

Edited by fence_hopper
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  On 16/08/2010 at 22:40, rut said:

stabba have you ever selt any working dogs or any pups then

Yes mate i have..to friends and fellow huntint aqaintances....not dogs that arent any good disguised with weak excuses...and not on this site..atb stabba

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  On 17/08/2010 at 09:19, Defender Poacher said:
  On 16/08/2010 at 22:40, rut said:

stabba have you ever selt any working dogs or any pups then


or bought a dog in as an adult, let he who has not sinned cast the 1st stone!!!!!!!

Yes i have mate..but ive got the sense to buy of reputable lads who are well respected and actually graft their animals...not off peddlers or folk who use lame excuses so they can move onto the next big thing...atb stabba

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  On 16/08/2010 at 21:39, jamie2004live said:
  On 16/08/2010 at 20:02, wuyang said:

Just to add my pennies worth. It has always sickened me how many young adult or fully grown lurchers you see for sale, yes some genuine, but most whos owners just want to try something different or give up too easily. It really does boil my blood. I can't understand why people just don't research what dog they need, buy the dog, enter it properly and stick with it until its days are over. I have had a few different dogs and not one that failed me or was shit. Yes they have had set backs but you have to work through these. I can also never net my head around these hard talking machos if it dosn't make the grade it won't be in my kennel it'll get a bullet etc etc...........most of the fault in my eyes is in the owner....and only a very small percentage down to the dog.


from what you have said straight away i can tell that you would keep a sub standard dog! in my opinion that IS the reason why theres so much shit about and why the jackers are bred off! it isnt matcho its the RIGHT thing to do. no it isnt nice but its for the best if you cant find a pet home where you know it wont be bred off, people need to get off there high horses and consider weather they work there dogs hard or just sit on the sidelines watching and listening to there (heroes) in books or on sites like this :bye: messsaaaa


Sounds like i hit a raw nerve there. :toast:

I bet the ratio of failed dogs that get passed on is alot higher in individuals like yourself, than more experienced hunters who have lived listened and learned.

Plus i never have and never will breed a litter.

And one things for definite people who treat dogs like throw a way tools can kiss my Ar@e.

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Think the worst thing to come of all this over production, selling swapping, shooting, dumping, abusing and blatant disregard for lurcher's was the ban in the first place. If you remember that the hunting ban wasn't just about poor little peter rabbit but equally for the protection of the dogs used for the game. If they had been better cared for we may still have the right to hunt freely!! But then people would have to work harder with the dog/pup they chose in the first place!

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It is the number of dogs available in general that’s worrying. I went to our vets last week and on their notice board there were 3 lurchers, 5 Springers, 5 Jack Russell, 3 Weinerama, 4 labs and 2 KC reg fancy small things I can’t remember the name of.


It does seem there are just far too many irresponsible or greedy dog owners. There are too many trying to cash in on pups and as long as people buy them this will continue, then worst of all these new owners breed pups themselves for cash or cuteness. This is really where it should be stopped, governed or owners just plain educated. As soon as mine were old enough I spade my bitch and newtured my dog as I did not want any more unwanted pups kicking around. If I should ever want another there are plenty to choose from after all.


The other part of the argument forming here is the breeding and working standard of dogs.


Knocking how a dog is bred seems to come very easy to some on here but it seems plenty of the not so well bred dogs turn out to meet all of their owner’s expectations and more. The saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure†comes to mind. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying every untested line, stray or rescue dog will make a good hunter but I am sure a pup from two top proven lines will be rubbish in someone’s eyes especially if it’s not trained to a high standard in the first place and it sure as hell does not disserve being PTS for the owners failings.


There are obviously some very different standard of dog owned by people on THL as there are so many, I am sure there are quite a few top dogs who are perfect in the field bringing in big bags on any ground making a living for themselves and their owners. There are also plenty that aren’t quite as good but still catch plenty and make their owners very happy. There are also those dogs whose owners just enjoy having them around and if they catch the odd bunny it is a bonus.


I for one didn’t want, or need bred from this line or that line dogs and I didn’t need or want proven working parents as a requisite for my lurchers. I am happy with how they are turning out and their training, I doubt either will set the world alight but if they don’t catch as many rabbits as I hope this season I will get the gun out and shoot some f***ing rabbits not the dogs.

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To many dickheads in this game!!

How many world beaters on here????,But if the truth be told theirs only a hand full if that!!

Theirs more Bullshit on here than i can take some time's!

But who give's a f**k of course every lad on here will say their dog is the best of best!

why? because they have not seen the best,or their dog is the best they've had.

But if you had the best would you tell every one you had the best?

I would not because who's going to get their dog nicked 1st?


My Bitch is 8 month old and i am very happy with her she's had nowt yet but its looking good she's picking it up fast!

When this BAN is gone ( witch may be soon)

If she only take's Bunny n hare n Deer On her own i will be happy!

All i would say is you will only get out what you put in to your dog!

Do some reading like i have I have both books from Jackie drakeford

The working lurcher and understanding the working lurcher

Both are very good book's and I have them two dvd's on training lurchers "Thanks to some members on here"

Always ask your self am i doing it right watch your dog closely is it tired?

Thats when its going to start opening up then your going to sell that dog,Because you to dumb and ask to much from a pup!


Even when its grown if its had 10/20 runs help the dog out and walk half way!!

Far to many people on here can not be bothered with training they want it all right now!


If you dont want to train a dog then a dog is not for you!


Thats the problem to many people wanting fully working dog's, if we can help people out of this thinking we could put a stop to all this!

If theirs no one to buy that so-called fully trained dog then the f**k Up might just put the time in to their dog's!

May be its because their's that many best of the best on here and the dog's they have for sale dont fit in with all the bullshit on here so the lad's feel their not up to scratch?

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  On 17/08/2010 at 15:47, wuyang said:
  On 16/08/2010 at 21:39, jamie2004live said:
  On 16/08/2010 at 20:02, wuyang said:

Just to add my pennies worth. It has always sickened me how many young adult or fully grown lurchers you see for sale, yes some genuine, but most whos owners just want to try something different or give up too easily. It really does boil my blood. I can't understand why people just don't research what dog they need, buy the dog, enter it properly and stick with it until its days are over. I have had a few different dogs and not one that failed me or was shit. Yes they have had set backs but you have to work through these. I can also never net my head around these hard talking machos if it dosn't make the grade it won't be in my kennel it'll get a bullet etc etc...........most of the fault in my eyes is in the owner....and only a very small percentage down to the dog.


from what you have said straight away i can tell that you would keep a sub standard dog! in my opinion that IS the reason why theres so much shit about and why the jackers are bred off! it isnt matcho its the RIGHT thing to do. no it isnt nice but its for the best if you cant find a pet home where you know it wont be bred off, people need to get off there high horses and consider weather they work there dogs hard or just sit on the sidelines watching and listening to there (heroes) in books or on sites like this :bye: messsaaaa


Sounds like i hit a raw nerve there. :toast:

I bet the ratio of failed dogs that get passed on is alot higher in individuals like yourself, than more experienced hunters who have lived listened and learned.

Plus i never have and never will breed a litter.

And one things for definite people who treat dogs like throw a way tools can kiss my Ar@e.


experienced hunters :laugh:, are you honestly going to tell me every dog you have owned has worked to a high standard or i get the impression your standards!!! youre deluded

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  On 16/08/2010 at 12:34, stabba said:

The season is just about upon us and yet theres dozens of dogs for sale..whats the craic there then?

All still with the same old excuses of ..its too big..its too little...ive been kicked out..ive split with the missus.

Bet within a month the folk parting with em will have got another dog on.

Ffs when you get a dog all these things should have been taken into consideration.Get a grip lads. Also it seems to be the same old faces doing the selling...rant over...atb stabba

theres a chap round our way had over 100 dogs in a season ,,,,,, over 100 , and they were all the best thing going , sometimes there are genuine reasons why dogs come up for sale , but to be honest they are few and far between, the good dogs stay close , to friends or lads that have seen the dog work its all about money ,... people exploiting the fact that others cant wait for a pup to mature or cant be bothered to put the time in and make it their own , ... happy hunting xxx

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  On 17/08/2010 at 20:56, jamie2004live said:
  On 17/08/2010 at 15:47, wuyang said:
  On 16/08/2010 at 21:39, jamie2004live said:
  On 16/08/2010 at 20:02, wuyang said:

Just to add my pennies worth. It has always sickened me how many young adult or fully grown lurchers you see for sale, yes some genuine, but most whos owners just want to try something different or give up too easily. It really does boil my blood. I can't understand why people just don't research what dog they need, buy the dog, enter it properly and stick with it until its days are over. I have had a few different dogs and not one that failed me or was shit. Yes they have had set backs but you have to work through these. I can also never net my head around these hard talking machos if it dosn't make the grade it won't be in my kennel it'll get a bullet etc etc...........most of the fault in my eyes is in the owner....and only a very small percentage down to the dog.


from what you have said straight away i can tell that you would keep a sub standard dog! in my opinion that IS the reason why theres so much shit about and why the jackers are bred off! it isnt matcho its the RIGHT thing to do. no it isnt nice but its for the best if you cant find a pet home where you know it wont be bred off, people need to get off there high horses and consider weather they work there dogs hard or just sit on the sidelines watching and listening to there (heroes) in books or on sites like this :bye: messsaaaa


Sounds like i hit a raw nerve there. :toast:

I bet the ratio of failed dogs that get passed on is alot higher in individuals like yourself, than more experienced hunters who have lived listened and learned.

Plus i never have and never will breed a litter.

And one things for definite people who treat dogs like throw a way tools can kiss my Ar@e.


experienced hunters :laugh:, are you honestly going to tell me every dog you have owned has worked to a high standard or i get the impression your standards!!! youre deluded

Of course all my dogs haven't all worked to a very high standard....no two dogs of mine have ever worked alike....all having different strengths and weaknesses. They have all worked to a standard im happy with...and thats all that matters.

I'm not bothered how they they compare to anybody elses dogs...why would i be? The point is i persist and get the best out of my dogs,...something i will always strive to do., not through low standards just making the most of the dogs i have.

I could make a good dog out of most of the failures you pass on or have put down.

It comes across to me like your trying to keep up with the Jones. Whereas i'm happy to go out and come back with just one rabbit from my hard grafting dogs. People like you go through dogs like i used to go through motorbikes....always thinking theres a better model out there.

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