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springer not retrieving

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ok lads my pup has got into the habit of carrying things in his mouth and now he wont retrieve to me hel just take with in 2 feet of me and chow on it, hes 4 months old.


how do i stop this habit and at 4 moths should i be worried much?


try walking back away him when he stops short of you calling him, try that and see how you come on.

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ok lads my pup has got into the habit of carrying things in his mouth and now he wont retrieve to me hel just take with in 2 feet of me and chow on it, hes 4 months old.


how do i stop this habit and at 4 moths should i be worried much?

Get your recall sorted first mate, although he's still a bit young, if you had good recall you could just call him in. Teach recall on a line mate so he believes there is absolutely no choice.

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ok lads my pup has got into the habit of carrying things in his mouth and now he wont retrieve to me hel just take with in 2 feet of me and chow on it, hes 4 months old.


how do i stop this habit and at 4 moths should i be worried much?

Get your recall sorted first mate, although he's still a bit young, if you had good recall you could just call him in. Teach recall on a line mate so he believes there is absolutely no choice.

he has a decent enough recall its just hes that playfull with it he pays no attention, is he young enough to not worry about it as seriously?


do you mean tie a rope to his lead and when he doesnt come back tug him in?


my dog will be used for rough shooting so it is also important that i dont over do the retrievin

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Yes mate , you call him in , haul him in if he doesn't respond straight away and give plenty of praise, a good recall means he comes even when he doesn't want to , because he's been conditioned to believe he has no choice. I don't understand how overdoing the retrieve training is detrimental to a rough shooting dog. Mike.

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ok lads my pup has got into the habit of carrying things in his mouth and now he wont retrieve to me hel just take with in 2 feet of me and chow on it, hes 4 months old.


how do i stop this habit and at 4 moths should i be worried much?


Just my opinion but i think at 4 months old there is plenty time, i taught mine to sit stay (at meal times) and recall in the garden first,any retrieving that may (or may not :whistling: )occur at this age is during his play time.

Never had field trial winners but have been happy with the companions i ended up with for rough shooting.

Atb with him in the future mate. Mick

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You could try sitting / crouching on the floor so that he comes running in to play with you and hopefully brings the toy as a matter of course.


Its not everyones cup of tea but i would let him come right in a jump up at you when you recall him because if he does that he is more likely to bring the retrieve right in in future


Dont worry too much about it but start getting him to come right back to you, give him the toy back a few times as well because otherwise he will soon learn that the 'game' is over once he gives it to you



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At 4 months he's still a puppy. Don't put him on a line & whatever you do , don't just yank him in. If he's in the house call him when you feed him, always use the same command, here, come whatever. If he's kenneled use titbits when you have him out, cubes of cheese, pieces of sausage whatever turns him on. When you call him, crouch down & still facing him take big fast steps backwards holding out the titbit. Once he's 100% don't use the titbit everytime. When you call him use the nicest most friendly tone of voice you have.

As regards using a line, I have only used one on problem dogs. It's a question of timing. You call him he takes no notice, you call him again & at exactly the same time give him a jerk on the line.

As I say you have a little pup bring him up right & if he's bred right you should have no problems.

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Agreed with Pauly


Forget the notion that people seem to have that you cant make a real fuss of working dogs.


I have had some very funny looks playing with my spaniel, crouched down, high pitched voice and letting him jump all over me when he comes back to play



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i had the same problem with my pup we would bring it almost to hand the run around or lie down i just got his atention clapping your hads or calling his name then take a few steps back all the time keeping low to the ground with a soft theirs a good puppy voice. i dont use food as a reward just lots of praise they soon get the idear

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok lads my pup has got into the habit of carrying things in his mouth and now he wont retrieve to me hel just take with in 2 feet of me and chow on it, hes 4 months old.


how do i stop this habit and at 4 moths should i be worried much?

he is only 4 months old god i start mine at 18 months old leave it it will be ok beleave me on this one time is everything my second dog i started at 2 years old i got 2 pups now at 16 weeks want start them for an ohter year thats only basic like sit heal and that

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Hi i agree with a lot of whats already been said ,he is a pup let him have his puppyhood,you already know he can pick things up and is happy to carry them about .

Get the recall working well without the dummy first then go on and do it with a dummy.

I dont use treats for training as the pup may get into the habit of spiting the dummy out in anticipation of the treat.

With a dog thats not very sharp on the recall I will take him out in the field get somone to hold him preferably somone the pup does not know get yourself off and hide call/whistle on your pup using your best girly voice ,he will race around trying to find you when he sees you get squat down legs open giude the pup straight to your hands then make a big fuss of him/her ,try to have your back to a fence etc its stops him geting in to the habit off running past you .


These are methods I use and have found them to work for me i am sure other people use equally good if differant ways.


Good luck Hoolit

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