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last night saw sum redish spots looked like flea bites and to day the dogs under side is cuverd in little red puss filed spoty rash the dog is not skraching them and dont seem to be botherd by it what can this be shuld i just go the vet to day

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hi mate had the same me self i hav asked a few people and they seem to thing it off brambles and nettles hav some got yellow heads on seems as soon as they come they hav scabbed over but some said it could b off sitting in the pee but i no my bitch dont do that so i am going for nettles

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ther not like what she gets from working in rough cover she as got lots of zit like spots inside all 4 legs and all over her chest and belly sum filled with puss iv put antiseptick creem on her and the sum of sopts was poping as i rub in the creem i was thinking it cud be hot spot or sumthing like that maybe from her jumping in a canal after ducks other day

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Had em on my Jack Russel last week after a day Ferreting.

all across her belly and inside of her back legs cleared up in a couple of days and didn't seem to bother her at all.:thumbs:



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About 2 months ago i when out walking my pup that i noticed hundreds of midges,, flys

pestering me and i got bitten a lot,

then a couple of days later i noticed my pup kept biting underneath his back legs,

which when i inspected, he had little red spots, and some of these spots had little yellow blisters

but i did not at the time make the connection of it being midges..

Well tonight we took our dogs to same place to exercise and my friend noticed his dog kept paying interest

under his back legs,on inspection there was about 20 midges crawling underneath him which he wiped off.

when i got home i checked my pup and he has been bitten a few times same place as before..

so if your out and about and you notice midges, check dogs underneath after walk.. cheers NO BAN..

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