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BSA R-10 to buy or not to buy

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  On 13/08/2010 at 23:16, benjohnson said:

ye my mates got one its good but havent realy seen the R-10 yet



I have to hold my hands up and say that I've not shot the BSA R10, but Zini from this section gets on well with his, and no doubt he will enlighten you when he logs in :thumbs:

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  On 13/08/2010 at 23:23, stealthy1 said:
  On 13/08/2010 at 23:16, benjohnson said:

ye my mates got one its good but havent realy seen the R-10 yet



I have to hold my hands up and say that I've not shot the BSA R10, but Zini from this section gets on well with his, and no doubt he will enlighten you when he logs in :thumbs:

kk sound ,at the minute im shooting a hw77 but realy need to improve now iv got a few kills under my belt

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  On 13/08/2010 at 23:43, benjohnson said:
  On 13/08/2010 at 23:23, stealthy1 said:
  On 13/08/2010 at 23:16, benjohnson said:

ye my mates got one its good but havent realy seen the R-10 yet



I have to hold my hands up and say that I've not shot the BSA R10, but Zini from this section gets on well with his, and no doubt he will enlighten you when he logs in :thumbs:

kk sound ,at the minute im shooting a hw77 but realy need to improve now iv got a few kills under my belt



Nothing wrong with the HW77, I have one, and I wont part with it :D

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Hi Ben J,


As Stealthy as already alluded to I own a custom .22 calibre BSA r10 and really find it to be the dogs conkers.


The rifle action is silky smooth, the weight and balance is just perfect for me and the pointability of it is perfect if shooting from a car or a small area.


The shroud on its own does quieten the rifle a little but not as much as by fitting an extra silencer. When you fit an extra silencer the rifle comes into its own and does hush up loads.


I used to have a SAK silencer fitted to mine which was good on the rifle but made the rifle a little long for my liking so I had my gun customised and the barrel shortened along with some other slight modifications. I also had a TWINK mark 2 silencer fitted from A and M custom gunsmiths which is the best silencer I have come across ever and beats the HW and BSA VC silencer hands down.


Link here buddy




There are a lot of great quality rifles out on the market at present buddy and I suggest that you look around and shoulder a few yourself.


I used to own a Weihrauch HW100KT until about 4 weeks ago that was a awesome rifle and one maybe you should definitely try out pal.


The problem is I wasn’t using it hardly as it was sat in its rifle case as the rifle that I nearly almost chose was the BSA r10.


Don’t get me wrong mate the HW100 rifle is a fantastic rifle and only a fool or someone with no clue would say otherwise, I just loved my r10 more so the HW100 had to go to be fair to it.


Luckily I sold it to a friend on this forum who now treats it well, respects it and kills loads of vermin with it, which is what the gun was designed for.


Andy&Archie have a nice little silencer fitted to his r10 so I remember seeing at the HLF section meet a few weeks ago. That maybe a BSA VC I’m not sure mate but that I seem to remember thinking was smallish in size and did the job well without making the rifle too long.


Accuracy wise the r10 is as good as any out there (including all your Daystate hunting models) if matched with the right pellet for its barrel. This I can say with complete confidence and know that my r10 will put in 1 hole groups at silly ranges and well in excess of the standard sub 12FP 30 to 35 yard normal hunting range for the standard hunter.


The one problem with the r10 is in the past it has had a lot of bad press due to BSA releasing it to early with errors. This caused a lot of the rifles to break and be faulty so giving it a bad name in a lot of forums (rightly so too) no one wants to pay £599 for a rifle and have it break on them 1 week later.


I have been informed that the errors are now sorted and the rifles that BSA sell are all good. What has been happening is a lot of old models have been getting sent back to shops and BSA and they have been taking ages to fix them due to back logs of faulty rifles. (tuff on BSAs part) don’t sell until the rifle is perfect, or when they have been returned BSA have not fixed the problem at all. Thats not the rifles fault that’s BSA's fault.


Once the rifle is in good working order though it will amaze the loyalist of another brand and make of rifle owner I’m certain of.


Luckily I have been error free with my r10 and have shot thousands of pellets through it and never had a problem with it apart from a seal change that had worn through excessive use, wear and tear over the 1.5 years that I have had it. This was fixed as part of a service by Adrian Waugh at A and M Custom Gunsmiths.


From me the rifle is well recommended and I wouldn’t sell mine ever.


Pellet wise a good starter is one of the following:


FX 16 pellets

Air Arms Fields

RWS Super Fields


All are super accurate in mine.


Other rifles to seriously think about and shoulder are in my opinion the following:


Weihrauch HW100KT / T / S

Air Arms S410 / S510

Any Daystate

Any Theoben but my favourites are the Theoben Mark 2 Rapid or Theoben SType

BSA Ultra (wonderful rifle and well underestimated) fit a different silencer though.

Or one of the newer Falcon models.


FX rifles I have had a problem with so personally stay well clear of.


Kind regards



Edited by zini
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  On 14/08/2010 at 08:52, zini said:

Hi Ben J,


As Stealthy as already alluded to I own a custom .22 calibre BSA r10 and really find it to be the dogs conkers.


The rifle action is silky smooth, the weight and balance is just perfect for me and the pointability of it is perfect if shooting from a car or a small area.


The shroud on its own does quieten the rifle a little but not as much as by fitting an extra silencer. When you fit an extra silencer the rifle comes into its own and does hush up loads.


I used to have a SAK silencer fitted to mine which was good on the rifle but made the rifle a little long for my liking so I had my gun customised and the barrel shortened along with some other slight modifications. I also had a TWINK mark 2 silencer fitted from A and M custom gunsmiths which is the best silencer I have come across ever and beats the HW and BSA VC silencer hands down.


Link here buddy




There are a lot of great quality rifles out on the market at present buddy and I suggest that you look around and shoulder a few yourself.


I used to own a Weihrauch HW100KT until about 4 weeks ago that was a awesome rifle and one maybe you should definitely try out pal.


The problem is I wasn’t using it hardly as it was sat in its rifle case as the rifle that I nearly almost chose was the BSA r10.


Don’t get me wrong mate the HW100 rifle is a fantastic rifle and only a fool or someone with no clue would say otherwise, I just loved my r10 more so the HW100 had to go to be fair to it.


Luckily I sold it to a friend on this forum who now treats it well, respects it and kills loads of vermin with it, which is what the gun was designed for.


Andy&Archie have a nice little silencer fitted to his r10 so I remember seeing at the HLF section meet a few weeks ago. That maybe a BSA VC I’m not sure mate but that I seem to remember thinking was smallish in size and did the job well without making the rifle too long.


Accuracy wise the r10 is as good as any out there (including all your Daystate hunting models) if matched with the right pellet for its barrel. This I can say with complete confidence and know that my r10 will put in 1 hole groups at silly ranges and well in excess of the standard sub 12FP 30 to 35 yard normal hunting range for the standard hunter.


The one problem with the r10 is in the past it has had a lot of bad press due to BSA releasing it to early with errors. This caused a lot of the rifles to break and be faulty so giving it a bad name in a lot of forums (rightly so too) no one wants to pay £599 for a rifle and have it break on them 1 week later.


I have been informed that the errors are now sorted and the rifles that BSA sell are all good. What has been happening is a lot of old models have been getting sent back to shops and BSA and they have been taking ages to fix them due to back logs of faulty rifles. (tuff on BSAs part) don’t sell until the rifle is perfect, or when they have been returned BSA have not fixed the problem at all. Thats not the rifles fault that’s BSA's fault.


Once the rifle is in good working order though it will amaze the loyalist of another brand and make of rifle owner I’m certain of.


Luckily I have been error free with my r10 and have shot thousands of pellets through it and never had a problem with it apart from a seal change that had worn through excessive use, wear and tear over the 1.5 years that I have had it. This was fixed as part of a service by Adrian Waugh at A and M Custom Gunsmiths.


From me the rifle is well recommended and I wouldn’t sell mine ever.


Pellet wise a good starter is one of the following:


FX 16 pellets

Air Arms Fields

RWS Super Fields


All are super accurate in mine.


Other rifles to seriously think about and shoulder are in my opinion the following:


Weihrauch HW100KT / T / S

Air Arms S410 / S510

Any Daystate

Any Theoben but my favourites are the Theoben Mark 2 Rapid or Theoben SType

BSA Ultra (wonderful rifle and well underestimated) fit a different silencer though.

Or one of the newer Falcon models.


FX rifles I have had a problem with so personally stay well clear of.


Kind regards




Top info as per mate.... :thumbs:



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I have a John Bowkett blueprinted .177 one and cant fault it but the first one was awful, so if you decide to take the plunge and buy one make sure you have the time to take it out and give it a extensive field test straight away, they can be excellent guns but a right headache if you get a bad'un

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if it was me id go hw100 anyday as i have recently owned a new R10 blueprinted and it was scrap! hated it and they love to go through PROBE SEALS FOR FUN! mine every 20 pellets and it was goosed had nothin to do with indexing or anything just scrap rifles i hate them!


but thats just me now i have a hw100s camod by myself and with s50pro night vision nothing compares to it :)


atb macca

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Hw100 all day long awesome rifle. I brought my R10 early December last year and come January it had already spent over 2 weeks back at BSA. I spent the extra £100 to get the Weihrauch, dont mess about with BSA it will only cause you grieve.

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  On 14/08/2010 at 08:52, zini said:

Hi Ben J,


As Stealthy as already alluded to I own a custom .22 calibre BSA r10 and really find it to be the dogs conkers.


The rifle action is silky smooth, the weight and balance is just perfect for me and the pointability of it is perfect if shooting from a car or a small area.


The shroud on its own does quieten the rifle a little but not as much as by fitting an extra silencer. When you fit an extra silencer the rifle comes into its own and does hush up loads.


I used to have a SAK silencer fitted to mine which was good on the rifle but made the rifle a little long for my liking so I had my gun customised and the barrel shortened along with some other slight modifications. I also had a TWINK mark 2 silencer fitted from A and M custom gunsmiths which is the best silencer I have come across ever and beats the HW and BSA VC silencer hands down.


Link here buddy




There are a lot of great quality rifles out on the market at present buddy and I suggest that you look around and shoulder a few yourself.


I used to own a Weihrauch HW100KT until about 4 weeks ago that was a awesome rifle and one maybe you should definitely try out pal.


The problem is I wasn’t using it hardly as it was sat in its rifle case as the rifle that I nearly almost chose was the BSA r10.


Don’t get me wrong mate the HW100 rifle is a fantastic rifle and only a fool or someone with no clue would say otherwise, I just loved my r10 more so the HW100 had to go to be fair to it.


Luckily I sold it to a friend on this forum who now treats it well, respects it and kills loads of vermin with it, which is what the gun was designed for.


Andy&Archie have a nice little silencer fitted to his r10 so I remember seeing at the HLF section meet a few weeks ago. That maybe a BSA VC I’m not sure mate but that I seem to remember thinking was smallish in size and did the job well without making the rifle too long.


Accuracy wise the r10 is as good as any out there (including all your Daystate hunting models) if matched with the right pellet for its barrel. This I can say with complete confidence and know that my r10 will put in 1 hole groups at silly ranges and well in excess of the standard sub 12FP 30 to 35 yard normal hunting range for the standard hunter.


The one problem with the r10 is in the past it has had a lot of bad press due to BSA releasing it to early with errors. This caused a lot of the rifles to break and be faulty so giving it a bad name in a lot of forums (rightly so too) no one wants to pay £599 for a rifle and have it break on them 1 week later.


I have been informed that the errors are now sorted and the rifles that BSA sell are all good. What has been happening is a lot of old models have been getting sent back to shops and BSA and they have been taking ages to fix them due to back logs of faulty rifles. (tuff on BSAs part) don’t sell until the rifle is perfect, or when they have been returned BSA have not fixed the problem at all. Thats not the rifles fault that’s BSA's fault.


Once the rifle is in good working order though it will amaze the loyalist of another brand and make of rifle owner I’m certain of.


Luckily I have been error free with my r10 and have shot thousands of pellets through it and never had a problem with it apart from a seal change that had worn through excessive use, wear and tear over the 1.5 years that I have had it. This was fixed as part of a service by Adrian Waugh at A and M Custom Gunsmiths.


From me the rifle is well recommended and I wouldn’t sell mine ever.


Pellet wise a good starter is one of the following:


FX 16 pellets

Air Arms Fields

RWS Super Fields


All are super accurate in mine.


Other rifles to seriously think about and shoulder are in my opinion the following:


Weihrauch HW100KT / T / S

Air Arms S410 / S510

Any Daystate

Any Theoben but my favourites are the Theoben Mark 2 Rapid or Theoben SType

BSA Ultra (wonderful rifle and well underestimated) fit a different silencer though.

Or one of the newer Falcon models.


FX rifles I have had a problem with so personally stay well clear of.


Kind regards



thanks for that pritty sure ill get it but i will have a look around now the saving part :wallbash:

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i bought 1 last year in 177 had it half a day and took it back to shop it as awfull 3 shoots pellet on pellet then shot all over the place go on the bsa site a have read think that will make your mind up but saying that everybody has there own views,likes and dislikes on all air rifles,mine i love my mk1 rapid .20 the hw100 are a gud gun as is most air arms,just my oppinion folks cheers

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  On 15/08/2010 at 12:46, pav said:

i bought 1 last year in 177 had it half a day and took it back to shop it as awfull 3 shoots pellet on pellet then shot all over the place go on the bsa site a have read think that will make your mind up but saying that everybody has there own views,likes and dislikes on all air rifles,mine i love my mk1 rapid .20 the hw100 are a gud gun as is most air arms,just my oppinion folks cheers


I think you probably would have found it to be different with a different pellet. I had a similar problem with my .22 R10, when using Superdomes. It hated them, 10 shot groups in a 10 inch circle was about as good as it would get. I switched to Accupells and have not had a problem with accuracy since. One hole groups out to 45 yards (and I'm sure I'd get the same at longer ranges too, but I ran out of garden!!).


The problems with the R10 have been well publicised, and BSA let themselves down in my opinion by allowing it to be released before the problems were ironed out. Mine's been back to BSA twice for regulator problems, but that FINALLY seems to be ironed out now. I use an HW silencer on the end of it, which makes it whisper quiet, but as Si (Zini) has mentioned, it does make it a bit long. I'm going to have the same treatment done to mine as he did to his, barrel shortened and a Twink Silencer added, to make it the ultimate airgun. I honestly think that in years to come, the R10 will be talked about in the same esteem as the Rapid is currently. I love it, and can't see myself ever parting with it.


Also, as zini mentioned, you should definitely look at the BSA Ultra. It's as accurate as any other rifle on the planet, very pointable and light weight. I'm very impressed with the one I bought recently.


HW100KT - It's pedigree is undeniable, and several of the forum members on here use them with devastating effect.

Air Arms S410 - Again, superb rifle, and again very popular with members of this forum. One of the nicest looking PCPs too in my opinion.

Also, have a look at the Prestige rifles. Not used one myself, but my local gunshop has recently become a stockist, and they certainly look to be nice pieces of gear.

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