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My on-off-on permission

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Okay guy's n doll's get yourselves comfortable, a glass of wine or a can of booze and some icecream :snack:

A long nights hunt deserves a looooooong write up :11:


I arrived at my newest permission yesterday at about 14:00 as my chaufer (a neigbour of mine and the mother-in-law of the woman that asked for my services) and I walked into the back garden I saw 2 kits, a couple of 1/2 to 3/4 grown and one full grown bunny turn in unison and legged it away from our prying eyes.


"AF" asked if I was sure that I wanted to spend the night there and told me she would be willing to come back and collect me as it got dark if I wanted. I explained that the purpose of me staying overnight was that as well as shooting as many as possible, I wanted to see where they were comming from and that she could collect me at about 10am.


As I began to pitch my tent I caught a glimps of movement way off to my side. It was a kit and I slowley dropped to the grass, pulled my baby across me, lined up the the crosshair just to the side and down from the eye as I figured it was a tad closer than 35 yards.


Gently brought my finger to the trigger and with a gentle squeeze and a loud crack as the pellet smashed through both sides of the young bunnies skull and liquising its brain in the process. A gentle friendly wave goodbye and it was time to get the LRF and it ranged at 33 yards.


Finished pitching the tent and it was time for a wander around the garden. I walked between the house and the foliage that seperated the garden from the path and as I got to the end I noticed a couple of bunnies over by the trees where the garden is seperated from the surrounding fields. I estimated the distance to be about 30 yards so it was just a question of them taking time out from chasing each other and it would be another one down. Problem with waiting for that to happen is that; it didn't :wallbash: instead they vanished towards the field.


Deciding that I should go and lay under one of the trees in the middle of the garden, I made my way back. Sat just about 1 yard from the path was a little kit (were talking about 5 inches nose to tail here). I wound the mag down to 3.5 and brought the parralax as low as it would go and aimed directly at the kits body, I was about to make the 2 mildots holdover compensation, when the little git turns and legs it in the same direction I was walking, vanishing behind a bush.

Ah ha warren entrance perhaps :hmm: not good this close to the foundations of the property :no: I looked under the bush but there was no hole or dip of any kind. Where the hell had it gone?


Anyway I continued back towards the patio where I had my stove and was about to make nice ground coffee when I notice the tips of a small pair of ears between the decking and my tent ah ha, thats where you went I thought to myself. Moving closer I debated which would be the best way to approach and put an end to this fluffy assed little devil. Deciding that if I walked across the decking it would probably hear me and take off again or go to ground under the deck. So the grass it was then! I knew it would see me and hide but I figured it would only be a short time before it came back out and it would be lights out for this one. I walked towards the rear of the tent taking note of where the bunny was. I was surprised to see lil fluffy tail did not run away, perhaps it thought I could not see it hidden on the soil at the side of the grass?

What ever the reason for it deciding not to run proved to be a fatal mistake. Using the cover of my tent I slid my baby over the top of the tent placed the muzzle about 5 inches from the kits back between the shoulder blades in the approximate position of the heart and squeezed the trigger. This caused the bunny to simply roll over half onto its side shuddering for a second or so before life became extinct; this I assume was because I had severed the spinal column and destroyed the heart.

The funny thing was, the pellet obviously went straight through and burried somewhere in the soil, but I could find no trace of blood :huh: I remembered someone the other day describing a similar bloodless bunny.


My next shot proved to be one of my most memorable, I was laid up when I noticed a couple of Woodies both trying to land atop a large "Christmas Tree" type tree. I ranged it with the LRF at 37 yards and it was about 35 to 40 feet to the top.

I took aim placing the crosshairs just under the eye, getting my breathing cycle just nice I let off the second stage and I saw the Woodies head fly upwards and I could swear, I saw blood drops flying out the top of the head! instantly as the head returned downwards I noticed that this fat bird was heading nose down towards Earth on the wrong side of the boundary :censored: That was supposed to be my tea for Friday night! I didn't want to loose this one so I decided that I should go and introduce myself to the people that owned the property at the other side of the boundry as Gillian had already told me the guy was elderly and was willing to let me shoot on his property for the "Blighters" bunnies. So it was off with the camo headgear and ski mask and open my jacket and leave my gun here. Got next door, a fair hike up the hill like drive! and noticed my shot woody laid beneath where it had fallen.


Formalities first; I made my way over to the large house and rang the doorbell. No one home! So I walked over to collect my prized woody.

Where it fell, beak in the soil :laugh:



The pellet had entered just at the side of the eye and indeed had left through the other side towards the top of the head.


Entrance wound



Exit wound



I got on with plucking and breasting the bird, placing the much prized meat in a plastic bag and sealing it.


Not long after I heard a strange fluttering/beating of wings I looked and to my surprise, right in front of me there was a young female Pheasant! I hope these people want me back when these things are in season :yes: I watched it strut its stuff as it headed for a break in the trees and into the fields beyond!


The next shot was also a very (quite possibly the most) memorable shot to date :icon_redface: Again another woody! I am wondering if this was the partner of the earlier deceased as this one was flying around the other tree looking down and then sort of hopping between trees until it came to a rest virtually directly above my back. It seemed strangely noisey.


I was in two minds as to whether I should try this shot or not, but figured if I had just broken its heart I may as well send it to where ever Woodies spend eternity with its mate.


Looking upwards I could see that it was no more than 4 or at the max 5 yards up above my body. I had rolled over onto my back and again cranked the mag down to 3.5 and placed the crosshair just under its neck. It kept looking down at me until I loosed of the shot. Well... :icon_redface: The next thing I know is this big fat bird is now sitting on my face and I've got a gob full of feathers :bad:



Entrance wound



Exit Wound




Again I quickly breasted the delacacy and placed the meat in with the other. After I had done this I was reloading the gun when a good three quater bunny runs past me, only feet away and head over to one of the kids playhouses at the other side of the garden! When these bunnies are moving they are as bold as brass, thats two on the same permission that have come within grabbing distance of me!


It was beginning to get dark now and I just caught a glimpse of another young un' . At first I wondered what it was! It was moving so fast and headed from the trees to the shrubs where I could not get a shot! Eventually I noticed it peeking out of the shrubs at the other side a fraction of a second later it was performing multiple back flips around the garden. It was shot at 18 yards and even though dead with its brain leaking out the other side of its head I still had to run over and pull its neck. Even then it carried on kicking for a few seconds :icon_eek: These young un's really need to learn to stay still when they're dead!


I saw another more or less half grown about 30 ish yards and I took aim, squeezed of the shot and missed! Feck it, time for the IR to come on so I can see the dots in the dark!

Next victim was a full grown Doe, at last a REAL MANS BUNNY :laugh: one that to me is worth putting the lead in its head, this one was heading right towards me, a click of my tongue stopped it in its tracks and it turned presenting me with a good clasic shot at 11 yards almost bang on my secondary zero :thumbs: Click, bang over she goes and its a frantic couple

of waves and then nothing! Tell you what guy's n doll's :yes: the crack of lead on skull of full grown bunny at that range don't half sound loud when theres no one around for miles!

Only a matter of minutes later, another kit showed itself, I new this was about 35 yards, the red lamp now on picking out its eye and crack body count increased by one :D


The next one fell in pretty much the same spot then everything went quiet and around midnight I lit up my stove and had three nice cups of ground coffee. I gave it til 01:00 as the skies were crystal clear and I got some naked eye astronomy done, spotted a few satalites and then caught a few of the Perseid meteor shower. It was soo lovely seeing black skies again with so little light pollution :yes: then I decided a quick kip in the tent was in order as it was getting seriously cold.


At 02:30 I was rudely awakened by the sound of heavy rain bouncing off my tent, I'm glad I decided not to use just my bivi bag tonight! Nodded off again until 04:00 when I decided to have a mooch around. There at 25 yards was a full grown! I took the shot standing and missed, the pellet crashing into the slate chippings under the bench, bugs didn't hang

around to laugh at me.


Only minutes later I missed another easy shot, this time there was that dreadfull tell tale thump as the bunny decided to try and outrun my 16grain missile. It made it to the field and I could not see it, let alone retrieve it

:cry: So Sorry bunny hope its a quick end :cry:

Decided that I needed to wake up properly before I tried another shot! so went and boiled up another three cups of coffee and had breakfast.


At 05:30 it was more or less totally light and the woodies are out in force already, alas non that were sill long enough to get a bead on!

10 minutes later a young kit shows itself for a brief second as it moves behind the trunk of one of the trees. I had to wait another 5 or 6 minutes before i got the opportunity to pop its brains out against the fence.


Nothing else happend quarry wise, so I just enjoyed the lovely wildlife that was in the area :)until my neighbour came and drove me home.


Trophy Pic:




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Hi cotton tailed assasin or should i say grey feathers assasin :whistling:


Some nice shooting there buddy and a great write up.


i really enjoyed reading tha buddy :thumbs: It makes me jealous being back here where Im law banned :censored:


I may have to dust off the Pro Sport and go and see to some rats at the lake permission :doh:


Anyway pal have a slut point for shooting and effort :thumbs:



Edited by zini
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Thanks guy's,


Si I told Laura you would have a laugh at the close woody landing on my face :laugh: :laugh:


I aint had chance to cook the woodies yet, but I will over the weekend :yes:


Been sooooo ruddy buzy today, but managed to get the new arrivals :thumbs: Pix going up soon.



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