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Not exactly a running dog

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ive got a couple of gwp/lurcher crosses.can hunt well,as pups they tend to only hunt air scent but once the penny dropped they put their noses to the ground. mine were/are quite headstrong and have to be carefully watched around aggressive dogs though they dont start trouble themselves..............id imagine a pure gwp would be a very good hunting dog,my bitch will follow scent and mark foxes to ground,and has found my terrier a few times when he went to ground whilst exercising and i didnt know exactly where he was........fairly usefull kind of animal when you own terriers.

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Guest diesel

iv heard bits and bobs about them for hunting and 'killing foxes'... and for marking like you sed but i am yet to see one do so.... so till then i cant really say.... :unsure:

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have owned a couple of purebreeds, and rate them quite highly as allround gundogs.not sure [bANNED TEXT] kinda hunting ya plan on using one for but for lurcher breeding i reckon they would be quite headstrong to train, the ones i have had were great indicating dogs and had guts to spare on wild pigs and an awesome natural throat hold on red deer. yeah like phil says the gwp like the airedale don't start fights but they don't back down to any aggressive dogs.thats thier only fault maybe due to the fact they were expected to defend shot game from predators in their homeland.

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i had a bull/greyhound which was much easier to control than these two idiots. :D it took the bitch a while to take fox but the dog just steamed into his first one at ten months,and has took a few since.i dont get many foxes so i dont know if they could take regular hard bites.you have to watch mine when a terrier is to ground cause theyll try and dig themselves in,on the last dig of the season we were digging down when i noticed she was missing,i found her wedged in a hole quite far down and we had to dig her out before going back for the fox.

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i know of a few lads who have them, but they say they arnt for a novice or the faint hearted, as phil says they are really head strong, but the good things out way the bad ones .(think you know the lads phil?, simo)

the land they hunt is moor land which is covered in shale and the other dogs they have owned like collie x's couldnt handle a season up there ,through injuries to there feet.

the other problem they have found with them is that they let a yip some times, but they can live with that.

i would say if you are hunting ground like these lads do and are out 3 or 4 days aweeks in all weather i would give this x a go.

they also take lots of foxes with them and other thing that will not be named :ph34r: :ph34r:

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i talked to quite a few lads up here last season who have seen and now own pointer crosses.these lads own wheaton and bull crosses so they must have rated the pointer crosses foxing potential.i wish i had better land to hunt over cause where i go its hard for the dogs to get good long runs...........mine sometimes give a little yip on rabbit but so far have never done it at night for some reason.on fox they give out a deep growl sometimes followed by barking like hounds :icon_redface: ..........ive never had a single foot problem with these two but the bull cross and collie cross i had before were always getting laid up.this could just be a coincidence but i dought it..............my lurchers suit me but i only wanted dogs for fox,there only very average rabbit dogs im afraid.

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Guest reload
Has anyone ever owned this breed of dog? If so, how do you find them for hunting?


I have never owned one but beenout with em alot, as my mate has three.

I think these dogs are exceptional game finders, and also catch dogs. They find when other dogs just dont.


GWP's are one proper hunting dog, bred for the job, they impress me everytime I am out with em. Catch mink for a passtime, blood trail, nail foxes and still present a live bird hand, seen one track a boar ...You do have to put the work in to this breed tho.

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Guest what a flight

I keep a GWP bitch Firstly as a bird dog for falconry,i dont let her hunt up rabbit /hare and she won't,i need her to produce pheasants/partridge from her points,and she never lets me down when it comes to providing the goods for the peregrine,without the falcon she acts diffrent,i let her hunt up foxes and feral cats,she'll track them down working the line like a hound and go through any cover to nail them and she'll find cubs hidden anywhere.From a pup she always had a strong drive to hunt mustelids like stoat /weasel and in her first year was rather fond of finding and eating hedgehogs :sick:.She has the mannerisms of a dog scent marking more than all the bitches ave owned put together and will square up back to any dogs hackles raised ready to rumble,though she wont start a fight she's always ready to mix it. I used springers for the hawking before i got a wire,iv'e had her 3 years and wished id'e got one years ago,you do have to keep on top of them while training and if you let them get there heads down go deaf and give you the finger youv'e blew it......


W A F...


cock pheasant killed of a good point.



hen pheasant killed of another good point ;)



cock redleg also courtesy of jade B)



on point.


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