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Plummers as good as any??!!

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I have been around the Terriers since Plummer started this Project of his. He was a shreud and educated Man, but not an out and out 'digging man'. He first started 'The Project' to prove he could do it, not for the betterment of the Terrier. Once he was told he couldn't do it he tried even harder. He wanted to be up there with Parson Russell and it seems to have worked with a lot of guys who now keep 'Plummer Terriers' and see little wrong in them.

It took quite a while to get these Dogs to breed 'true to type' and become uniformed. There was a great deal of culling and inbreeding. Eventually with help from others the Breed did become uniformed and stereotypical. Plummer said he used mainly three crosses, Fell Terrier, Bull and Beagle. He did use Beagle Terrier crosses on accasion, as opposed to straight Beagle, to help keep the size manageable. I had spoken to Plummer about these Dogs of his and when pushed he became very defensive and condascending. He especially became defensive when he was questioned about the Digging side of Terriers, which even the Name suggests should be the main reason for a Terrier living!!

He wanted an 'all round' Terrier, one which could be used for Ratting, Bushing and generally Mooching about. That is what he got mostly and on the odd occasion a few would actually do a Terriers job. I do not care what the PTC says about the Plummers and how they became etc, I have spoken to Brian in person and quizzed him to the point of absolute frustration!! The Plummer Terrier is an all round type of Dog much like I would expect a Spaniel to be.

Having said all that I have an open invitation here for anyone, who has an out and out Earth working (so called PURE) Plummer, to come down and spend the Weekend or whatever with me to show me the standard of the modern 'WORKING' Plummer. Bring several, there is plenty of work for you to do. I have heard all the excuses about not accepting invites and the "what will it prove" comments. I am also aware 'one Swallow doesn't make a Summer' and I can't see lots of Plummers 'work'. I would love to accomodate someone who has a few Plummers or even two. It will prove nothing to the masses maybe, but it might convert a sceptic, who has been one since Mr Plummer began this School Project of his. If there are any negative comments they will not be spoken of, ANYWHERE, but if there are positive comments I will be the first to sing their praises, wherever the owners want!! This is a genuine 'invite' and not meant to be malicious. It is an invite for anyone who has a PURE Plummer they consider to be an 'Earth Dog'. Any takers?........PM me.

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Guest lambrini

I think it seemed a genuine offer, and certainly if had been made to the patterdale men you i would be dissapointed if you had not an offer to take up the challenge from almost everyone of them, myself included.

Ive toyed with the idea of getting one for a while but if one cannot be found to take this offer what chance have i of getting one to do my job better then the terriers i already have.


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i think people who by plummers etc no there not patterdales and to think they are well they dont no there ass from there elbow , mind you self entred patts etc will maybe go like all the rest of the breeds if the show goers get there hands on them, im a patt man my self , easy to get going and entred right good earth dogs

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.....................and a plummer that works regular to ground is very rare indeed it would seem :11:

Fair comment though Shamo and hope someone comes forward to at least add a shred of meaning to the words PLUMMER TERRIER. Ive no gripe with anyone owning /working a terrier to rabbit ,rat as long as they dont pretend its anything else.

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  Lew said:
This could turn into a good thread this...lol.... hope a plummer lad comes forward :whistle:


No plummer terrier owner is going to come forward to have their dog and to an extent themselves torn to pieces by folk who obviously don't care to much for the breed, they were'nt bred to be earth dog's. I was at Lowther horse trials in 99 when Brian Plummer himself challenged anyone with a terrier to an evening's ratting and there was no taker's, and i,ve been told some good terriermen and terriers go to this show. So again it boil's down to that well worn phrase ''horses for courses''. :hmm: And no i don't, have'nt and never will own a plummer terrier, :signthankspin:

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Dont own a Plummer, but havnt got anything against them. infact as some of you know id quite fancy one myself. But, and its a fairly big BUT aswell, im into my ratting and my bushing so its a sporting terrier that i like not neccesarilly what most would call a working terrier.

It seems to me that if people just excepted that Plummers where sporting dogs rather than"working" ones there would be far less disagrement.

If people want a digging dog that stands off its fox then why not use a Russel?

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Guest grubygrafter

shamo who are you????? and why is your post on this forum.

THL. is known to be antie plummer terrier. so it as liable to be just another antie plummer

thread. and who will vouch for you as only a fool would take up an invite from the internet

unless it was vouched by a respected (known) member surely if you where serious you would

have posted this on a plummer forum. if i had a plummer that was first rate i would'nt touch this invite

with a bargepole. also you put PURE in capitalss what do you class as pure :hmm: and what you class as earthwork may differ from my or any other persons idea. good luck in your endeaver but this i think was not the place fof a genuine post of this kind. if i was you i would seek out a breeder of working plummers and try one. ..all the best. cs

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Guest lambrini
  grubygrafter said:
shamo who are you????? and why is your post on this forum.

THL. is known to be antie plummer terrier. so it as liable to be just another antie plummer

thread. and who will vouch for you as only a fool would take up an invite from the internet

unless it was vouched by a respected (known) member surely if you where serious you would

have posted this on a plummer forum. if i had a plummer that was first rate i would'nt touch this invite

with a bargepole. also you put PURE in capitalss what do you class as pure :hmm: and what you class as earthwork may differ from my or any other persons idea. good luck in your endeaver but this i think was not the place fof a genuine post of this kind. if i was you i would seek out a breeder of working plummers and try one. ..all the best. cs

ive always sat on the fence when it comes to plummer terriers but ive been totally disapointed by the lack of defence of one of the newest breeds of working dogs in the world, further to that i would genuinely like you to point out to me what your definition of pure is and what you call earthwork? i thought everymans definition was the same on both of these subjects.

Im not for or against plummers but a bit of proof of their ability would save me having a dog for 10yrs or more that was not going to do what was promised of him

Edited by lambrini
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