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rat snares...anyone got any?

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Ive been following the rat snaring threads and they look like they work a treat... i have a few runs that i could use them to good effect and just need to know where to get some suitable snares from :) if anyone can advise me on where to buy some it would be greatly appreciated and when i get the some good pics will follow :D

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
Anyway, rat snares? Crack open an old tv set, mate. Voilla! ;)




Are you talking about the wire on the coils Ditch ? Just make sure it's a very old TV set that's not been used in ages - I think the big old capacitors in there can hold a fair wack of charge for a while. :shok:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

" Coils " ? Ahhh, so That's what they're called then? :good: Thanks for that, John. I've spent much of my life refering rather vaguely to 'These two little square lumps, all tightly bound with a load of soft, thin copper wire.' and leaving people to get on with it!


Anyway, yeppers. Those 'Coils'. Never been bitten by one. But then, I guess the old sets I ever found had probably been dead for ages.


Brilliant bit of wire. A proper, old school Gamekeeper taught me that, about thirty odd years ago. Showed me how to make rat snares back then (he used the notched peg system, though I much prefer P&G's brilliant nail idea now) I've kept it very much to myself all these years, but I guess it's about time I let go of a few things ;)


Made me look good one time, ye know; I was working security on a derelict gas works site. There, alone, all night. When I strolled into the office the next day with a few rabbits under my jacket and explained simply that 'I'd got bored and peckish', Control looked at me as if I'd just passed straight through the brick walls! :laugh: All I'd did was search around, found a busted up old tv and set to work. Had the snares twisted and the bunnies thinned out by end of shift!

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Hello Ditch Shitter, Thank's for the Info. about the Copper Wire out of the TV Set's Good Idea to salvage and also save some Cash !


Hello John B, Useing word's like Capacitors are you a Radio Opererator or a Techniction ? I'm a CB Radio DX'er DX # 506, And your right they can store Power for a Good Deal of time, Take Care !

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