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no collars

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  On 11/08/2010 at 17:42, scothunter said:
  On 11/08/2010 at 17:29, Jamie m said:

I've never seen 50 rocks the exact size of each hole just lying there


well you find at least one.i never said rocks solely


you could easily find 50 rocks to fill holes here, but most burrens are less than 10 holes. fair few of them though!

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  On 11/08/2010 at 20:35, alexcjacko said:

interesting :hmm: i deffo wont be using one this season but will next,how does the harness and bell work?and does anyone enter a hob if a jill or jills have gone quiet? :hmm:


harness has phone number on and bell is used to keep track of ferret, also usefull when they pop out of a hole you didnt know was there

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Practicing your ferreting skill's will help walking upwind to the burrow ,no walking on top of the burrow no smoking noise etc but when the shit hits the fan you need a locator

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You can get by ,with picking what burrows you work etc but ive had a surprise a few time where my ferrets have laid up with a rabbit and i would never had thought of looking near where they where without the knocker box .But when i was ferreting before boxes where thought of i was left to sit and wait till the ferret came out while my father and uncle carried on ferreting and as already said you can block them in and return the next day

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  On 11/08/2010 at 21:25, The one said:

You can get by ,with picking what burrows you work etc but ive had a surprise a few time where my ferrets have laid up with a rabbit and i would never had thought of looking near where they where without the knocker box .But when i was ferreting before boxes where thought of i was left to sit and wait till the ferret came out while my father and uncle carried on ferreting and as already said you can block them in and return the next day

lol yea when i was a lad i had to sit and wait for ages god that brings back memorys.freezing my balls off while others moved on

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Aye my uncle was a handyman on a big estate nine farms we where allowed on and we used to spend every sat and sunday ferreting the rabbits going to the gamedealers on the monday .A lot of the time it was okay good going but some days where pure barstools id sit and wait till the ferret came out catch up with them only to be left waiting at a hold up at the burrow they where working

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i have ferreted without collars when i was younger.you will rarely dig to the ferret as you wont know where he has killed the rabbit,plain and simple lol.

you can find some with some field craft and using a thorny briar to find some.

if the ferret does stay on a rabbit which happens then without a locater and collar then you will just have to wait.

thing is if ya know exactly where the ferret is and its a shallow dig then instead of waiting half an hour for the ferret to come out and having no extra rabbit in the bag,with the locator you can have the ferret dug to in 5-10mins or less which saves you time and you will have an extra rabbit or more than one if your lucky in the bag.

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