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Just joined THL forum and thought i would say the usual hello to all.

Started ferreting as a lad and then got into lurchers but work has got in the way as usual for far too long(15 Years!). Looking to get back into it next season and no doubt I will be a bit rusty. I hope I will get some sound advice from the people on the forum. I now spend most of my time in N Devon (hopefully some permission on the way) and work alot of the time in N Wales where most of my permission is.


Thanks for any future advise!

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Hi mate.

Similar situation as me just got my first lurcher after a long lay off. She's a 3/4 whip 1/4 beddy 8 weeks old and I can't wait to get her goin. I'm based in Exeter butgot a lot of permissionin north Devon , around combe martin, + my mate does a bit around Torrington. Bit to new back to it to give advice but I'll let you know how we get on.

Good luck


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Just joined THL forum and thought i would say the usual hello to all.

Started ferreting as a lad and then got into lurchers but work has got in the way as usual for far too long(15 Years!). Looking to get back into it next season and no doubt I will be a bit rusty. I hope I will get some sound advice from the people on the forum. I now spend most of my time in N Devon (hopefully some permission on the way) and work alot of the time in N Wales where most of my permission is.


Thanks for any future advise!

I didnt ask you your business so dont ask me mine ya RCBA an we all no wat dat means

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Chees guys. PherretinPhanatic- I havent got a clue what your on about and havnt got a clue what a RCBA is?

Just introducing myself to the forum so no need to start slating me on my first post.

welcome to the site mate :thumbs: and dont worry about nobby up there god nos what his problem is


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Just joined THL forum and thought i would say the usual hello to all.

Started ferreting as a lad and then got into lurchers but work has got in the way as usual for far too long(15 Years!). Looking to get back into it next season and no doubt I will be a bit rusty. I hope I will get some sound advice from the people on the forum. I now spend most of my time in N Devon (hopefully some permission on the way) and work alot of the time in N Wales where most of my permission is.


Thanks for any future advise!

I didnt ask you your business so dont ask me mine ya RCBA an we all no wat dat means


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Chees guys. PherretinPhanatic- I havent got a clue what your on about and havnt got a clue what a RCBA is?

Just introducing myself to the forum so no need to start slating me on my first post.

welcome to the site mate :thumbs: and dont worry about nobby up there god nos what his problem is



some real strange ones wandering into the site these days :whistling:


googled rcba and this is what google gave me;

*** RCBA Riverside County Bar Association (California)

*** RCBA Ramsey County Bar Association (Minnesota)

*** RCBA Richmond County Bar Association (New York state)

** RCBA Regina Community Basketball Association (Canada)

** RCBA Royal Canadian Baseball Association

** RCBA Racine County Bar Association (Wisconsin)

** RCBA Rapid City Bowling Association

** RCBA Rogers County Builders Association (Oklahoma)

* RCBA Rural Canada Bibliography Association

* RCBA Redwood Coast Brewers Association

* RCBA Rockland County Builders & Remodelers Association (New York State)

Note: We have 7 other definitions for RCBA in our Acronym Attic



new search | suggest new definition



:laugh: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by CarraghsGem
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