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ferreting in lincolnshire

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hi all as im only back in the game this year with new kits i dont have access to older ferts to train the youngsters. so having approached all my landowners again they are happy for me to carry on as before. so here is the offer i would like someone with good working ferrets that is willing to come over and work the area with me. for the following season i have plenty of access going into thousands of acres so we wont get bored. but please bear in mind i am looking for people to help train my youngsters as such in that mine will be entered with yours and we may have to dig. i have access to all the gear needed and finder and all other things plus i can get the use of the farm vehicles if needed for a bit further affield.



now for the negative once bitten twice shy


also this is my permision and going behind my back to try and get it will always come back to me it has happened in the past and i will end any such stuff instantly if we get on and form a good relationship then it could lead to other oppurtunitys and i will introduce people that can give them the permission you help i help.


any takers please post or pm me for more info


cheers muddy

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hi all as im only back in the game this year with new kits i dont have access to older ferts to train the youngsters. so having approached all my landowners again they are happy for me to carry on as before. so here is the offer i would like someone with good working ferrets that is willing to come over and work the area with me. for the following season i have plenty of access going into thousands of acres so we wont get bored. but please bear in mind i am looking for people to help train my youngsters as such in that mine will be entered with yours and we may have to dig. i have access to all the gear needed and finder and all other things plus i can get the use of the farm vehicles if needed for a bit further affield.



now for the negative once bitten twice shy


also this is my permision and going behind my back to try and get it will always come back to me it has happened in the past and i will end any such stuff instantly if we get on and form a good relationship then it could lead to other oppurtunitys and i will introduce people that can give them the permission you help i help.


any takers please post or pm me for more info


cheers muddy


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HI guys thanks for all the PMs i have replied to them all And i hope that some of us can get some rabbits taken care of. Before i stopped fereting i could often rely on up to ten people to come out but being out of it for so long some of the guys have gone to the big grassy clear from blackthorn hedges in the sky the others have either givenup aswell or moved on.


looking forward to the new season




PS to narrow it down for people i am in north east lincs grimsby area.

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leeveiw i just asked them and had a previously good rep. plus i have allways kept in touch one way or another.

OK well done usually good rabbit holding land the landowners will have someone willing to take over when there's rabbits wanting controling :thumbs: especially in your area

Y.I.S Leeview

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leeveiw i just asked them and had a previously good rep. plus i have allways kept in touch one way or another.

OK well done usually good rabbit holding land the landowners will have someone willing to take over when there's rabbits wanting controling :thumbs: especially in your area

Y.I.S Leeview


In my experience there are very few genuine men about who the land owners trust these days, in many cases landowners or particularly keepers would rather deal with the problem themselves with a rimmy than let someone they arnt sure of on their land. Not always the case mind you, I also know a few landowners that litteraly let anyone who turns up on!!!

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as allways with anything it is allways a case of who you know not what you know i am in a very privilidge position to be able to get the permission i can. i have allways kept my nose clean and kept in touch with the people that i have the access from. and as all will no one bit of access leads to another and so on if you keep yourself a good reputation. my advice to anyone is to start off with the small places the ones most people think of as not worth it the owners will be more than happy if you take out the only 10 rabbits on the land it might not be the best spot but it will lead to other things. grow on from there a good word said by someone in the right ear is better than all the door knocking you can ever do. i have got access to the most part due to the fact i help out on the places in other ways.

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