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aa s410k at 12ft/lb .22

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Id ask the same. Ive the sam gun, same sort of power. Back yard, pellet on pellet at 20, 25, 35 and 40 yards. No problem at all. Out in field, i used to miss all sorts, until i realised my range estimations were next to useless. One i got used to where i was shooting and the ranges involved then no problems at all!

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11.8 :icon_eek:


Cutting it a little fine? what pellet you using?


Beat me to it!


Remember the law says "capable of producing more than 12 ft.lbs muzzle energy with ANY projectile"


If they take it into their heads, they will spend days trying to find the pellet that puts it .1 over!

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I was doing what you seem to be doing, at the begining of the year. Just get a 40 Yard/Meter(Whatever's your preference)ball of string and tie a twig in it every 5 meters, from about 10 meters on.


Stretch it out on the ground and dig an old spoon in to the ground by it's handle, next to each twig. Having checked your zero, first of all shoot the spoon at your zero, then work up and down the line.


It might take you a day, and seem really boring to think about doing, but when you can happily shoot up and down the line in no particular order, hitting each spoon head, you've cracked it.


By concentrating on the spoons and distances you will automatically become better at judging distance by scope image AND and hold under/ over.


Then if you want an extra confidence, use the string for the first couple of static hunts after and you should have a lot more success.


I had to do this when I got my .22 and after a few weeks of shooting .177, will be taking said string out tonight to get my brain back round to .22


It's all about the practice, I'm afraid!

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I was doing what you seem to be doing, at the begining of the year. Just get a 40 Yard/Meter(Whatever's your preference)ball of string and tie a twig in it every 5 meters, from about 10 meters on.


Stretch it out on the ground and dig an old spoon in to the ground by it's handle, next to each twig. Having checked your zero, first of all shoot the spoon at your zero, then work up and down the line.


It might take you a day, and seem really boring to think about doing, but when you can happily shoot up and down the line in no particular order, hitting each spoon head, you've cracked it.


By concentrating on the spoons and distances you will automatically become better at judging distance by scope image AND and hold under/ over.


Then if you want an extra confidence, use the string for the first couple of static hunts after and you should have a lot more success.


I had to do this when I got my .22 and after a few weeks of shooting .177, will be taking said string out tonight to get my brain back round to .22


It's all about the practice, I'm afraid!



That is perfect advice. Spot on. I did did the same but using beer cans instead of spoons. Aimed for the large base of the can for a start, but soon was aiming for the ridge on the base of the can. with a direct hit, you rip the side out of the can. Its all about getting used to distances and hold over / under in the field.

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