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What modifier for a BSA R-10?

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Hey Guys,


I've got a BSA-R10 ordered and was wondering what modifier people recommend slapping on to it?


I saw the Allcocks http://www.allcocksoutdoorstore.co.uk/store/product/14155/R10-Carbon-Hush-Exclusive-To-Allcocks-Outdoor/Has anyone got anything good or bad to say about them? P.S if you're recommending one I'd prefer it to be non tapered but let me know what you think!



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Hi there Westy,


Welcome to the forum :gunsmilie:


Interesting question and you will get as many answers from as many people if you were to ask what rifle they shoot :yes:


So here is my take on them:


Si (Zini) used to have a SAK on his BSA (I think) and he loved it :yes: especially after he did the scotchbright scouring pad upgrade.


I believe he now has a TWINK on it which is even better (I used his rifle a couple of weeks ago and it was EXCEPTIONALLY quiet)


I have a custom Silencer (made by UKNiel) on my Springer and it was very good at reeducing muzzle raport. Its also now had the scouring pad and hair curler upgrade and for a while I had it on my AA S200 because it was far superior to the standard AA silencer (which is darn good compared to the artillary crack that is heard without the silencer).

I then also did the upgrade with the hair curlers and scouring pad on my AA silencer and its now back on my S200.


The HW silencers are very over priced but very efficient (open them up and you will find hair curlers and scotchbright scouring pads, or similar!) :thumbs:


Now a friend of mine was looking to make his own ultra quiet silencer for his rifle (he's an engineer) but after he tried the Hogan Decimeter, he decided he could not make one as quiet as that for the cost he would be paying to purchase the Decimeter, He now has one of those on most of his rifles :yes:


So when it comes down to it, I think its all down to what you personally like.


All the best



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sadly it aint that quiet cos the shroud seems to do sod all, or mine didn't anyhow. i had a hogun decimeater on mine and that reduced the sound very well, although with the shroud length and the modifier it becomes a long gun, and a bit of a pain shooting from a vehicle, or a hide i should think


all the best, wurz

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Hi Hamish,


The best silencer that I have come across by far for the BSA r10 is the TWINK mark 2 as Tony (Phantom) as already alluded to.


It beats the SAKs, Hogans, BSA VC and Weihrauch silencers hands down and i believe that it has just been chosen by Daystate to go onto their new models.


Its designed by a friend of mine, and a friend to other regulars in this section that will no doubt voucher for him called Adrian Waugh who lives in Ollerton in the Midlands.


Here is the link to purchase one.


Just tell Adrian that he got recommeded from the Hunting Life Forum and Adrian (Addie) will defo look after you, he's a top bloke and as worked on my r10 himself on a number of occasions.




Best of luck mate.



Edited by zini
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Hey guys loads of really helpful advice there! Especially pointing out me being a twatter and calling it a modifier, I did know its called a moderator - promise! :D I'll be doing some research and I'll let you guys know what I part cash for!


P.S I though the same about the shrouded barrel as you Sean but got told I can get it even quieter - anything to give me an advantage!

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  • 3 months later...

well i too was surprized just how load it is...its like using my 410 with out a silencer!!! if the pellet dont kill em theres a good chance the nosie will give em a heart attack lol :blink: am looking at the twink too just wondering if it screws right onto the end ? probbly a daft question but hey had to ask :doh:

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