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dont look fat atall, side view be good, with pole thing, i just had 6 foot stick drilled little hole in end, thread threw some strong string about 6 foot double it over for extra strenght, then tied string to fox brush or rabbit skin be fine! need be fairly strong for when dogs gets hold of it. is good accelleration, turning and striking practice will naker you and the dogs out, p.s try not get dizzy,

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is the pole called a flirt pole/flirt stick???


iv heard of them before but not too sure of the method of using one, is it basiclly moving the dummy around and letting the dog try and catch it, or let the dog get hold and sort of tug of war with it??


if its the first then i can imagine it would be good for the dogs reactions, turning and strike.


i take my dog out for a mooch over the fields letting him sniff about jumping a few fences, chasing sticks ect, bonous if theres another dog to run about with, then later when it gets cooler i take him out on the bike for an hour, or a jog if im in the mood, hopfully im doin enough to get him fit as this will be his first full season, i think ill try a flirt stick aswell see if its any good

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a little over weight , but not fat , need to get the dog fit mate , septembers drawing close :boogie:

stop the kebabs and cut it down to just 4 pints a night mate . only joking dog looks allright to me some dogs just look fit all the time so you cant realy tell.

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the way i used it was just tease the dog with it draggin along floor dog will chase and go in for strike, move it away at last second, either to the side so dog has turn and have another go or lift just before gets to it and lift off floor and dog will leap after it in mid air, probably help with taking feather, in the end i was running as fast as my legs would go draggin it beside me when the dog about strike, bring it right round so your facing the way you just come and sprint as fast as can till dog gets there again, you soon will both get nakered,

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