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distressed + agressive hob

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just had a couple of lads land at my door with their old hob, hes very distressed and launching and biteing anything that moves hissing. i think its fear thats motivating him, hes not hungry as hes been fed recently and i know the hob and hes normally not this way. what i gather from them is they brought him out hunting and he started sulking in the hole and then acting like this when removed, im stumped as to what went wrong that this hob has turned into a nervous agressive wreck over a very short time.

anyone have any constructive ideas as what went wrong and how to fix it?

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Sounds like he's injured to me. :yes: Ferrets are tough little buggers and the only outward indication of an injury might well be his bad mood. It takes a lot to psychologically upset a ferret in my experience. One of my jills way really freaked out when she had her jab this spring, but she was back to her normal self within 5 minutes..

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Sounds like he's injured to me. :yes: Ferrets are tough little buggers and the only outward indication of an injury might well be his bad mood. It takes a lot to psychologically upset a ferret in my experience. One of my jills way really freaked out when she had her jab this spring, but she was back to her normal self within 5 minutes..


maybe hes bruised from an encounter with a rabbit? especially this time of year. might explain his behaviour?

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