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My 2 youngest Borders.

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crackin pair .. atb with them

i dont have any problem with people wanting a high price for terriers as they are worth what the buyer is prepared to pay..if you really have your heart set on something you will pay it and if your no

Long may the patt-fell be unrecognised, Dawn you must of known it was just a matter of time before the big stick came out. Give her a break if she's not breading for the sake of it then whats it got to do with us what they do, it doesn't make them any worse for it, they're still very nice animals.

It constantly amazes me the stick that's given out on here, when in trueth hardly anyone on here got the real Mcoy, if they suit Dawn Scent trailing then she's the only one they've got to please.

Thats so true, Id not want the Patts registered, never!! I spend forever telling people they are working Terriers with exceptionally strong prey drive, still, some dont listen and end up with problems. Same with Borders, so many in Border Welfare come in because they chase, catch and kill furries! :wallbash:


I knew somebody would have to have a go.

i dont have any problem with people wanting a high price for terriers as they are worth what the buyer is prepared to pay..if you really have your heart set on something you will pay it and if your not prepared to pay it ..then you cant have it.dawn dont think im having ago at you or your terriers as im not..your dogs are a stunning example of the breed. but i feel as far as working terriers go i very much doubt they will have the working ability of todays modern blacks(i think you called them mongrels). due to the fact most of todays working border blood has gone ..people keep the breed of terriers best suited to there needs ..i certainly wouldnt go down the border terrier route if i was looking for a serious working terrier.. maybe 30 years ago i might of..im not saying theirs no good working borders about as i know there is..but i think there few and far between nowadays which is a shame :thumbs:

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