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Age for visectomisation?

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I have a 10 week old pole cat hob called badger,


just wonduring what the minuminm age or recomended age is to get him done (visectomised not castrated) so that then he'll bring my jill out'a season.


also im gessing its about £55-£70?


im new to ferret keeping so need some help!

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I was told to wait till six months .


castration they take the knackers away compleatly they can no longer take jils out of season or have kits and they smell less.


vasectomy they just cut the tubes and tie them up so everything is still there,they can take jills out of season with out them having kits

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Same as above wait till his testes have dropped wich will be next spring now , its better to wait till they drop so the vet can see what there doing and not botch the operation

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Does any one know if the hobs still work ok if they have had the full castration?


Ferrets will still work fine after being castrated your only taking away there lust for sex not there ability to work

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