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Ive got a whippet saluki bitch she started that yapping and it isnt easy to stop and to be honest i never stopped it mine was because i started her off lampin way to early when i was younger ive learned by my mistakes though i do know people who have stopped there dogs yapping dont know how they did it though unfortunatley.

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From what you say mate, it sounds like your dogs overmatched by the rabbits.

I'd stop working him and biuld up his fitness...........you really need to speak to either Darren Gallagher or Penny Taylor they'll put you right on a running dogs fitness .



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Thanks for all your replies! I would say its probably down to fitness as he hasnt been out as often as he should have due to having a 7 week old baby in the house, il have to up his walking try get him fit for the winter, what do you all do to keep em fit during summer months?

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