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new to ferrets?

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hi been wanting to get into ferreting for a while now but i haven't got the foggiest of how to start out. just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a decent book to help me with the basics i've already got simon whiteheads one just waiting on delivery and wondering if there's any more.



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Simons book is pretty good..its worth looking round the game fairs and having a chat with people on the ferret stands and like he said take a look at 'you tube'but ,really, experience will teach you more. Start off with small buries and work your way up and take your time, treat each outing like a training session...........if your careful you shouldn't go far wrong.



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You would be better asking for somebody local to take you under there wing for a day see how you enjoy it and you will learn much more from hands on experance than you ever will in a book mate

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  • 2 weeks later...

aye yer best bet is just go oot an try ,even going out alone ,then you will learn were you went wrong last time you went out as you get more experience,thats what i do .its some buzz when u get yer 1st rabbit. heres an excellent book i got from library an forgot to return it .its called FERRETS AND FERRETING BY IAN C.RICKARD ISBN NUMBER IS 1-86126-564-6 THIS IS A DOWN TO EARTH NO CRAP JUST READ AN LEARN A GOOD FEW TIPS TOO AN ITS A GREAT EASY TO READ AN UNDERSTAND HEH HEH NO BIG WORDS.I HOPE IT HELPS YOU :drinks:

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Hi mate firstly welcome to in my oppinion the best field spory there is rabbiting

me and my mate bunked off school when we were 15 went over the woods from the school and found a old boy stan shepard poaching rabbits with his ferrets we followed him around and from that day to this 32 years later we were hooked

try and see if you can tag along with someone who ferrets in your area or if you dont know how to find anyone ask a few local gamekeepers on the shooing estates can they put you in touch with some local ferreters also do read books and watch dvds because you will find most ferreters have there own prefered methods nets/ferrets/dogs/etc etc and in time you will find which suits you

It will all come together in time wish you all the best of luck and hope you have a good time keep posting on the forum and let people know how your getting on

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