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f*****g Mixi.

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1000's of acres mate. . . . walked a fair bit of it with the binos and a ferret, just for a walk, and saw lots and lots of signs, but very few rabbits. Ran the jill through a few big sets and didn't bolt a thing.

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its devasting when that happens,kinda wastes your up coming winter if your only limited to one area of permission.i had it bad once a few years back hardly a thing to feed the poleys,had to do a bit of wandering for a while lol

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Aye, i'm lucky i have land in other areas, but this is the stuff that i can walk out my front door to. Funny thing is they were here in very large numbers very recently, and i've seen no sick rabbits . . . .

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Gutted for you , it's in the south east of England to , it's where I live this summer , it was at our permisions last summer not a sighn of it there or my new permisions either so happy days, does anyone in the south east think the 19th of september is to earlly for stuff with no ground cover ,????? Cheers j

Edited by Jamie m
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Gutted for you , it's in the south east of England to , it's where I live this summer , it was at our permisions last summer not a sighn of it there or my new permisions either so happy days, does anyone in the south east think the 19th of september is to earlly for stuff with no ground cover ,????? Cheers j


we have been out already mate ( Dover way ) around the wooded areas there's hardly any stingers left and not seen any babies in a while.

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Well there are apparently still a few healthy ones . . . . . one of which just this second met it's end to the .410. Funny thing is there are signs of a large rabbit population everywhere and have been, so the mixi has wiped them out extremely quickly and i haven't seen one dead with it or dying.

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Thats why i like my permission scattered about its funny how it can wipe out one farm yet 10,20 minutes up the road the next place is heaving with them , Last autumn we had a few on one permission and hit them hard and now theres a good numbers of healthy rabbits there . I would leaqve what numbers you do have well alone just now theres always the chance they might have a late litter and you might get the odd days ferreting

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