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britain's hardest man

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While everyone is watching this Joker !


The real buisness is going on out of sight behind the scenes !!


If he forgets his place and upsets the real big guys, he will end up in a binbag fairly sharpish !

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no such thing as a hard man in this day and age anyone can get a gun and must have a screw loose to even want that title. Being a hard man imo isnt just being able to have a fight..over coming disabilites ect makes you a hard man imo.


I remember the taxman saying he was kidnapped and beaten...not being funny but if the drug game is your income and someone comes along and take it they have to dissapear.

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What a load of ol bollocks !....hard man...whats a hard man then ?.....to me a hardman is some of these single dads you see raising kids while holding a job down after their mrs has just died !....


Use your brains,any man who is active making a living off crime is not going to be well known is he :hmm: ....least of all plastering his face anywhere the general public can see it !


I find these days of gangster groupies and book writers quite hilarious.

Edited by gnasher16
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A member on here went to school with him, they're still mates to this day :thumbs: the member had a dog stolen and no sign of it for a week. BC came back from holiday on the Saturday and was told about the missing dog :hmm: coincidence that the dog was returned within 48hours who knows

Y.I.S Leeview

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What a load of ol bollocks !....hard man...whats a hard man then ?.....to me a hardman is some of these single dads you see raising kids while holding a job down after their mrs has just died !....



Your right, they are the real worthy role models.

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