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Great pics, much like my pup, its great to see everyones alses pups and how they are getting on. :)


Lead training mine at present, a bucking donkey :11: , she should settle. ;)


Best of luck fezz with your pups. :good:



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cheers frank , there only 9weeks old so il leave leed training for a bit yet , how hard is it to take pictures of pups :icon_eek: one min there there,then there goin :whistle:


took 37 pics, only 5 with pups in them the rest just grass and a blur :icon_redface:

cant wait to start training ,stroll on next year :D

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WOW!! Fezz, what a great job your doing with them, they have gotten huge! even little Taska has shot up! glad to see they are getting on so well with your border :D


and I know you said you had a bit of land for them to play on but WOW they are going to love them open fields as they grow :clapper:


keep me up dated as how the training goes, have they met your ferrets yet? I hope they do you proud mate :good:

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cheers everone ,there growing fast . taska the fawn bitch is catching up to her sister now so theres not much between them now, cant believe the temper on her :icon_eek: she puts her sister in her place and my border :11: will start to train them on the lead in the next couple of weeks so that should be fun :whistle: will post some more as they grow. cheers all happy hunting :victory:

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