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a good and bad day

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it's funny the way things go, but my first ever shooting permission, which I had tended to visit once in a blue moon, has now become my favorite shoot, alive with bunnies that no one else has got control for...


anyhow, spent the morning popping a few rabbits, and getting to grips on scope distances, which do get better the more you use a rifle, Ive now got good groupings at 80yds, where as when I started a few weeks back, the 50yd'ers was around my best


had to laugh, as Id caught a woodie on one of the heaps, not paying attention, he fell to a lovely shot, I then placed it on the pile, hoping to bring a few more down, only for one of the farm cats, to run in and nick my kill :laugh:


post-5267-052470300 1281216054_thumb.jpg



I need to be back home around 1pm, but on getting back to the jeep, tottally imobilised :wallbash: some plonker had left the lights on :whistling:


thank god Im still an AA member, 20 minutes later and the guy has not only got the motor running, but topped up the water and oil, and adjusted the loose fan belt, happy days, just like a mini service :toast:

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was using .22

can understand your thoughts, but the farm is un-manned on this occassion, and the sheds empty, except those bloody cats


and the house in the distance, is empty, just a cunning tax dodge by the owner

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Ah fair enough, just looks like i can see some sheep to the left of the top pic?


sure you can, it's a sheep farm, like everyone out there, you shoot were you deem safe, and in that instance, it was

Im sure plenty others shot a lot closer to livestock, you only need to scan u tube

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