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went for a little meat run the other day off the md canyons.thought you guys might enjoy the pic's, cheers,


& ps - here's the link for the 2nd grander ever off md this week!( in 2 consecutive yrs) it's all because they finally banned longlining off Florida a few yrs ago. now we just need to stop them off the other seaest states & the rest of the globe.








a marlin showed up behind that spreader bar & was gone :doh:


Edited by dwolf
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nice fish mate nice baot to.

BUT lets ban longlineing, so we can catch and kill more fish because that makes sence

people rely on fishing for a liveing please dont be so quick to jump on the banning bandwagon



thanks for the cheers guys.


i hear you perthshire keeper. & i see where you are coming from. i know ban is a dirty word over there too.

i have fished for a living too & several friends still do. it's just that longlines are indiscrimate death traps & i see more every time i'm out. :no: it's basically like poisoning the whole countrysideto just harvest a few deer, if you saw the waste & killing you'd be sick. the kill millions of breeder billfish every year & babyy tuna,& swords, etc. & they can't keep them so they just dump them, sea turtles, sharks, everything. & it's overfished too. almost all tuna & swordfish for market used to be caught by the local fleets with rod & reel & harpoons up until fairly recently when the multinational slaughter began. it's a much more precise method of harvesting swords & tuna. you can target the right class of fish & release the young ones. sportfishing brings hundreds of millions more into florida than any commercial fishery , so for their swordfishery to recover & bring tourists - it was a no brainer. same everywhere, sportfishing is much healthier way to hunt & harvest & brings tons more money into local econs, & it's sustainable & the local fleets will still fish for market, but not by keeping & killing babies & broodstock. there would't be any giant marlin left w/out sportfishermen hammering conservation, just like wildlife. hunters saved almost all of our big game from market hunters at the turn of the last century over here,& the antis didn't save f**k, over there or over here,& still won't. it's hunters & fisherman that do & they rag on us..


Edited by dwolf
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