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What a complete prat, I am so angry after reading this and after his comment about what he would like to do to the kids ferreting, I can only say that this dog walking twat needs to be strangled with that dog lead until he turns blue.


Im sure he would also complain if these kids were in hoddies sat outside his local paper shop with sod all else to do.


He is clearly the sort of person who is happy to go to the supermarket and ignore what it is he is buying and where it came from but frown upon any body who would do otherwise.


As for the mixi comment, this just proves how thick he is and how a lack of thought or knowledge went into this column. farmers are bound by law to control the rabbit population and he seems to think gassing or shoting the rabbits is so much better.


Seriously people complaints need to be made to the guardian as this sort or drivel is what gets young people attacked whilst out ferreting by antis with the brain of a pea.






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Should invite someone from the gaurdian out for the day , the article was dated 1999 I think , maybe someone should send the bloke a couple of mixy rabbits to but in his garden so he can see how slow and undignified they die

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im a young lad and my dad got me into dogs,ferreting and shooting at an early age,he got me a dog to keep me off the streets, im greatly thankfull to him for taking the time to show me the true ways of the countryside, yet this bloke would rather have teenagers on the street? :thumbdown:

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Thing they dont relise is the young lads have got up off there arse and started a hobbie that they enjoy and keep them from sitting around street corners all day.

when you turn the page in the guardian there prob a story complaining about young teens destroyin the streets and cause havoc!

cant win either way!

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