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pakistan flood appeal

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As hunters we know that a goverments decision dosn't always refelct the peoples wishes, The men, women and children suffering and dying did not build nuclear weapons, They did not increase the size of the Army they are people with lives and families just like us thats why I gave money to the appeal, Thats also why I gave money to the Cumbrian flood appeal, The Hati earthquake and give money to Help for Heros, one charity dosn't have to block another! The people in Pakistan are suffering as a Christian I cannot sit by and watch people suffer, regardless of there religious beliefs. The difference here to some charities is this is an emergency what happens over the next week is litrally a matter of life or death. Just think £25 what you'd spent on a night out could save someones life, I'm not a lefti or an Anti, but I hope I'm a humanitarian DEC appeal

spend 50 on a nite out and let 2 die woth every penny :thumbs::thumbs:

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this country has been testing nucular weapons , has one of the biggest armys in the world , we have helped every one , every time there is a disaster , you get these celebs on the telly with there h

I agree with you completely they are entitled to something back ,send them every fxking paki from the uk , :feck: :feck:

Hey woah woah let's not be against all the fun things in life     Look face it if the sandal was on the other foot they would leave every single one of us to die :yes: Fuuck them, let them die

400.000 left homeless by the flood..... 2 bedroom flat required urgently!!!


rescue workers at the pakistani landslides and floods say the stench of bodies is unbearable... they expect it to get far worse once they start finding the dead ones!!!



spokes for the pakistani goverment says the floods could have been far worse.. the water could have had soap in it!!! :boogie:

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To an extent I believe that charity begins at home as well. But, in the case of disaster relief, I see no reason to withhold help. Were I younger and free to do what I please, I might've tried to physically go and help in some way if I could. But I can't. A few quid doesn't go amiss in an emergency situation.


At the end of the day, a lot of people have died. Innocent people. Kids. Probably lots of good people, probably lots of not so good people too. But they are people nonetheless.


The jokes some of you are making .... what bad taste :thumbdown: There's just nothing funny about it. You don't have to be a humanitarian - just a HUMAN. Were there to be a disaster in this country, thousands dead and many more suffering, you mightn't find it so funny then. In fact I bet the rage you would feel at people making light of your dead children or your suffering wife would consume you and drive you to pure hate.


And so the wheel turns.

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To an extent I believe that charity begins at home as well. But, in the case of disaster relief, I see no reason to withhold help. Were I younger and free to do what I please, I might've tried to physically go and help in some way if I could. But I can't. A few quid doesn't go amiss in an emergency situation.


At the end of the day, a lot of people have died. Innocent people. Kids. Probably lots of good people, probably lots of not so good people too. But they are people nonetheless.


The jokes some of you are making .... what bad taste :thumbdown: There's just nothing funny about it. You don't have to be a humanitarian - just a HUMAN. Were there to be a disaster in this country, thousands dead and many more suffering, you mightn't find it so funny then. In fact I bet the rage you would feel at people making light of your dead children or your suffering wife would consume you and drive you to pure hate.


And so the wheel turns.

feck off
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To an extent I believe that charity begins at home as well. But, in the case of disaster relief, I see no reason to withhold help. Were I younger and free to do what I please, I might've tried to physically go and help in some way if I could. But I can't. A few quid doesn't go amiss in an emergency situation.


At the end of the day, a lot of people have died. Innocent people. Kids. Probably lots of good people, probably lots of not so good people too. But they are people nonetheless.


The jokes some of you are making .... what bad taste :thumbdown: There's just nothing funny about it. You don't have to be a humanitarian - just a HUMAN. Were there to be a disaster in this country, thousands dead and many more suffering, you mightn't find it so funny then. In fact I bet the rage you would feel at people making light of your dead children or your suffering wife would consume you and drive you to pure hate.


And so the wheel turns.

feck off


:wub: :kiss:






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well saying the Brittish raped their natural sources for years i think theyre entitled to something back




AGREED, every post ive ever seen of everybodys friend has been ridiculously pro human rights way too over the top.




Because someone finds it really hard to stomach the some what ignorant jingoist rants that are about muslims/immigrants/pakistanis and crop up here at least twice a week (and are usually only contributed to by the same dozen folk) doesn't mean they don't hunt and kill game? The two are not related are they? And did you REALLY just try to use 'humanitarian' as some kind of negative slur??? :whistling:

to be honest id put the 3 in the same bag + shoot them after this weekend, had to listen to 2hours of yapping from one on why it is not a reasonable course of action to shoot a particular family member if he steps foot on my property again after attacking us on our own doorstep. why the death penalty is a bad idea + why hunting is primative + disgusting etc etc :feck:


ive no patience for these priks and im not going to pretend otherwise for the sake of being P.C



That guy sounds like a prick. My point was you can't say that anyone with any humanitarian principles is someone who you would like to 'shoot;. So if i am a humanitarian in that i don't agree with torture, prison camps, genocide's or institutionalized rape then i'm a bad person? Just like Pakistanis, People who hunt with dogs etc there are good and bad in every group.


Hey woah woah let's not be against all the fun things in life


As hunters we know that a goverments decision dosn't always refelct the peoples wishes, The men, women and children suffering and dying did not build nuclear weapons, They did not increase the size of the Army they are people with lives and families just like us thats why I gave money to the appeal, Thats also why I gave money to the Cumbrian flood appeal, The Hati earthquake and give money to Help for Heros, one charity dosn't have to block another! The people in Pakistan are suffering as a Christian I cannot sit by and watch people suffer, regardless of there religious beliefs. The difference here to some charities is this is an emergency what happens over the next week is litrally a matter of life or death. Just think £25 what you'd spent on a night out could save someones life, I'm not a lefti or an Anti, but I hope I'm a humanitarian DEC appeal


Look face it if the sandal was on the other foot they would leave every single one of us to die :yes: :yes: Fuuck them, let them die maybe they will realise allah fuuckin hates them as much as we do :feck::feck:

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I think there are a lot of bad things attached to some peoples fundamental take on Islam which offers nothing positive to our society,

but I think the jokes about people suffering are a bit strong.

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I think there are a lot of bad things attached to some peoples fundamental take on Islam which offers nothing positive to our society,

but I think the jokes about people suffering are a bit strong.



Im afraid thats what happens when a group of people walk all over you and take the piss out of you,you lose respect for them ;)

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