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just getting back into it

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hi all after a layoff of about 13 years i have recently seen the error of my ways and gotton hold of a couple of jills lucky for me i still have access to all my old stomping grounds lots of access very lucky in that aspect. due to the amount of layoff i have had not seen hide nor hair of any of the old lads to hook up with again, so here is the few questions loads of experience witht he mk1 collars and finder but notice they are no longer available new also seeing on ebay loads as spares and repairs so relibility could be the problem. what are the new receivers like?


also whos doing the best nets at the minute i can nit nets but dont have the time required to do it properly. also through the summer what dry food is recommended. they will be going on rabbit when i get the oppurtunity to get it them. i know all the remarks about feeding dry food its convienient at present and keeps the flies down round the hutch while the kids are on summer hols as they love sitting watching wht the ferts are up to. while they eat their dinners


the kits are at present 11 weeks old so not ready for working for a few more months. but if anyone has a surplus working jill thats sociable in grimsby they are willing to part with I may be interested. hopefully it will help bring my 2litlle workers on


cheers muddy

Edited by muddy210
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Well I don't think you'll regret it I haven't muddy , I took the leap again last season after some 17 years , i did question it slightly but nothing is going to waste the land owners are happy the ferrets are happy , look at milk those poor cows have there calfs taken away at birth look at the meat production system and the end they come to halal meat that's not to kind , the gasing of rabbits what a waste , I read a post in the gaurdian about how barbaric ferreting was how miss informed I might invite that columnist out for the day , to see how our traditional past time really works

Edited by Jamie m
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i know what you mean Jamie i used to work a large bury in a private wood that the pet brigade thought was theres to use as wanted the thought of me using the ferrets to chase the litlle fluffy bunnys was extremely cruel several times they thought gassing was quicker and more humane.



how i still laugh.



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I haven't had ferrets for about the same amount of time - maybe 12 years. My very old lurcher died about 8 months ago. Now I've decided to get another dog - its got to be something quite small as some days work means I'm out the house for 12-14 hours, so the dog needs to come with me. I've found a Border terrier/Whippet cross which I should have towards the end of the month. Now I'm getting a dog again it seems only right to be getting some ferrets to go with it - fun fun fun. I've no ground to work right now but reckon I can get some without too much difficulty.

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