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Advice please - best way to get bunnies at night with a non FAC air rifle

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your like me TinTent, ones you get started you cant stop. i want this


the saler said the mounts will fit. and the scope looks great. :thumbs: only thing is if the mounts dont fit then thats another set i got that dont work. :thumbdown:




What mounts do you have Jac?


What you have to remember is that most sellers will say anything to get a sale :yes:

The guys and gal's over on the UBC forum will guide you to exactly the best of what your looking for.

There are a hell of a lot HW45 owners over there including 2 or three of the management team (Cookie has several of them including the Silver Star version :icon_eek:)

I'm not a fan of scopes on pistols, but a few of them are :yes:



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phantom, have a look at this price - might have to wait a week or two but that's how long the torch will take!!


Now, which charger.......!




Hi Martin,


That link is to a mount?


And I really do not see the point in buying that mount as you will be pointing your gun at a target and your light will be pointing 90 degrees from the target! :11:



Edited by Phantom
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So..... last bit then I'll leave this thread alone (running out of cash rapidly ) :whistling:


Night vision. I know it's expensive, but is it any good? I quite like the idea and I think it would be very good on one of my permissions for not attracting attention. :angel:


Might rig a cheap option of 0 lux video camera attached to scope (as seen in some excellent videos on this forum) I presume the range on the real thing is where they come into their own.





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So..... last bit then I'll leave this thread alone (running out of cash rapidly ) :whistling:


Night vision. I know it's expensive, but is it any good? I quite like the idea and I think it would be very good on one of my permissions for not attracting attention. :angel:


Might rig a cheap option of 0 lux video camera attached to scope (as seen in some excellent videos on this forum) I presume the range on the real thing is where they come into their own.







hi TTT

im just in the process of seeing what range its good out to,and i dont think its very good passed 35/40yds as seen in one of my recent posts,but will be doing some moer testing soon.if ya subscribe to my chanel on youtube then you will see it first before i post it here!


the NV scope i have is great! i take rabbits with it and rats,but its seasonal not much use for it in the summer so it will be going on my AAS410K soon for my next visit to newbottle farm :thumbs:





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i have a LED lenser p7 and i love it to bits lol but what can i use to attach it to my gun? i was lookig at the EASY FIT SHOCK ABSORBING TORCH GUN MOUNT would this do the job ?/]



lenser do a gun mounting kit thats got a remote switch and mounting bracket. think its about £10. check ebay for them they were there a couple of weeks ago!

great tourches


regards P

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Cheers - just getting used to these forum things, never even looked in banter!


Right - money spent - 4 orders placed all recommended in this thread.... thanks :notworthy:


Got to go now, my beloved and tolerant other half thinks it's her turn... we are off to town :icon_eek: (fortunately all shuts at 4 though round here on Sundays) :whistling:





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