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Advice please - best way to get bunnies at night with a non FAC air rifle

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Thanks again guys that's great. I was looking at this.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lamping-Hunting-Sporting-Air-Gun-Rifle-Torch-Light-Set-/160431132719?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Camping_LightsLanternsTorches&hash=item255a70d02f#ht_5417wt_1165

(hoping I got the link right)

But a lot of cash and the mount will not fit my gun! (scope tube is 25mm) so it would have to be something similar.

I have never got anything from the USA side of the site before - I presume you have had no problems or you would not be recommending it. Very good prices considering the exchange rate and postage. (how long is delivery).


Once again, your help and experience is much appreciated. :notworthy:



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Just looked at that item again Phantom, it's HK not US, priced in US$...

Is the HK and China stuff OK, some people not too happy with it, particularly some of the rechargeable batteries?


Looking at the one that you posted the link to, I wouldn't spend that kind of money :icon_eek: its less powerful than the ones that Rob and I use.

The Ultrafire uses the same Cree technology LED's as the one you've found, but they are more powerful :yes:


I have used my lamp and batteries for about a year now, I purchased more rechargeable batteries for a small amount (something like 6 batts for about £7.00 inc p&p.)


My lamp came from HK/China as did Rob's as does the one you linked to. Don't become a name snob :thumbs:


Your correct about people (some) not liking Chinese made stuff. I have a Chinese Springer rifle that is fantastic, Chinese made scopes (tasco etc) chinese lamp and Chinese LASER range Finder.


I've not had one single fault full with the chinese stuff :boogie:

Cheap maybe, quality nowadays, fantastic :yes:



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I thought animals were supposed to be colour blind, how does having different colours on your lamp help. And if dim is better, why buy a torch with a 100m range? Probably stupid questions, but if I don't ask I am only guessing :blink:

And do you walk round shining the lamp about until you see one or do you wait up and put the lamp on from time to time to see what's about?



hi buddy

welcome to the forum :thumbs:


yes they are! but they seem to act different with a red filter! than with a blue,yellow,green.

which i tink are all hard on ya eye when out in the field!


some use a dimmer as not to freak out lamp shy bunny's and they wont spook so easy! if its your only permission best not to lamp it too much!


you don't need a lamp thats going to send light to the outer Hebrides,50 60 yds is fine!

because you wont want to be taking bunny's much longer than 40yds at night!


using the lamp some do it different! and so do i if im static,mooching,driving



i will get in range of a warren and flick the lamp on in the direction every 15 minutes,and its one swing form left to right/right to left.if i spot a red Jewel then it goes of quick, i then make a reference point in the sky line may be a tree or telegraph pole,and that will pin point its position,i then look through my scope depending on whether its a low cloud night,full moon,clear night.and you can make out a silhouette of the bunny,get ya self comfy take aim flick the light on ,and its lights out for the bunny. not every ones way of doing it but i get good results this way :thumbs:



walking around pretty much the same as every one Else! keep down wind so they cant smell ya flick the lamp on spot the bunny, turn off the lamp and stalk in to that direction remembering to take a reference point ! and to count out ya steps turn on the lamp if its still there THWACK!!




drive around the field,or what ever permission it is.this you need 3 peeps driver!shooter!lamper!

unless you have a gun light! drive around light em up whoa! to the driver! and shoot! right go on ,whoa! lamp ,shoot! right go on ,whoa! lamp shoot!


pretty easy! really but not Evey one will agree! as others have different techniques!


now i await the slaughter! lol


i hope this helps!








spot on mate. i do the same

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i have a LED lenser p7 and i love it to bits lol but what can i use to attach it to my gun? i was lookig at the EASY FIT SHOCK ABSORBING TORCH GUN MOUNT would this do the job ?


Depends on how big the diameter of the body tube is and how large the front end of the torch is.


ah just done a search, yes Jack the twin velcro and rubber mount would suite it :yes:



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I have a carbon fibre shrouded barrel so I will not be attaching a clamp to the barrel to fit the torch. It will have to be a "8" clamp on the scope tube, but I wanted something quick release or I will have to get a bigger gun bag :thumbdown:

Found this as mentioned above with the velcro, not ideal for me, but an option when all else fails. It is a bike mount! It might allow fitting to my V-Mach cylinder :hmm:


Might suit your Lenser p7 Jac.



PS about to order the UltraFire® 501B CREE 300Lumens Tactical Flashlight set off ebay as recommended above too :thumbs: . Just have to sus out a suitable charger and a mounting (as mentioned the one with it will not fit a 25mm tube)

PPS aslo really fancy http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/tasco-16x40-Pocket-Telescope-Monocular-Hiking-Camping-/150476844958?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item23091e6f9e#ht_2555wt_911 :icon_redface:

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i use the velcro clamp with my surefire and it works really well.much better than my figure 8 clamp as they are a pain to move about,plus there is a chance of scratching ya scope :thumbdown:





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