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External Parasites

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My ferrets have picked up some parasites and I’m not entirely sure what they are to be honest. They don’t look like fleas to me – they’re about 2 – 3mm long and really thin (a bit like a giant thunder bug!). They are normally found on the ferrets back, particularly in the shorter hair around the shoulder blades. I tried using Spot On and that didn’t shift them, so I tried using insecticidal powder and that hasn’t worked either. Any ideas on what the parasites might be and what I can do to get rid of them?





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I have recently had a problem with mites on my ferrets, I took them to the vets and they give them all an injection of advocate. This stuff is alot better than frontline, it treats everything in one go including mites and fleas. I scrubbed all of the hutches and runs out and have stopped using wood shavings and hay, I only use shredded paper and cat litter now and the mite problem was cleared up in 24 hours.


I was also told by the the vet that frontline is not actually licenced for ferrets although it it will work, the advocate is alot better.


It may be worth phoning the vet and asking about the advocate injection, I think it also comes in a spot on and spray as well but the injection is better.

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I have recently had a problem with mites on my ferrets, I took them to the vets and they give them all an injection of advocate. This stuff is alot better than frontline, it treats everything in one go including mites and fleas. I scrubbed all of the hutches and runs out and have stopped using wood shavings and hay, I only use shredded paper and cat litter now and the mite problem was cleared up in 24 hours.


I was also told by the the vet that frontline is not actually licenced for ferrets although it it will work, the advocate is alot better.


It may be worth phoning the vet and asking about the advocate injection, I think it also comes in a spot on and spray as well but the injection is better.


its interesting what you say about cat litter and shredded paper, do you not find the cat litter dusty on the ferrets coat? my ferrets routinly clean themselves in the shavings if they get egg round their mouths etc

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I have recently had a problem with mites on my ferrets, I took them to the vets and they give them all an injection of advocate. This stuff is alot better than frontline, it treats everything in one go including mites and fleas. I scrubbed all of the hutches and runs out and have stopped using wood shavings and hay, I only use shredded paper and cat litter now and the mite problem was cleared up in 24 hours.


I was also told by the the vet that frontline is not actually licenced for ferrets although it it will work, the advocate is alot better.


It may be worth phoning the vet and asking about the advocate injection, I think it also comes in a spot on and spray as well but the injection is better.


its interesting what you say about cat litter and shredded paper, do you not find the cat litter dusty on the ferrets coat? my ferrets routinly clean themselves in the shavings if they get egg round their mouths etc



The cat litter is the white gravel type and isn't dusty. I have only been using it for the last couple of weeks along with the shredded paper. When I got the mite problem the vet said they have probably got onto the ferrets via the hay/wood shavings(although they were bought from pets at home and wilko's) and the best way to stop it happening is to use shredded paper and cat litter.

I took the advise of the vet and gutted the hutches and run and got rid of the hay and wood shavings as well as the hammock and everything else the mites could get into/onto. I got rid of the problem within 24 hours after the injections and have kept everything the same since.

I will probably start using the wood shavings again because they dont always use the litter tray and shit all over the vynal floor, life was much easier when the wood shavings were down and alot easier to clean the shed.

I will probably keep things the way they are now for the next week or so and keep combing the ferrets for mites, once I am 100% sure the mites have gone I will probably start using the wood shavings again.

I was only saying to try this way until the parasites have gone, as this has worked for me, the last thing you want to do is pay for the tratment of the ferrets and then have parrasites keep living in the wood shavings and then you have to retreat them again in a couple of weeks.

I hope this explains it a bit more

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