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Teacher says to the class................"If there are 3 crows sitting on a fence and the farmer shoots 1, how many are still sitting on the fence". Little Johnny puts up his hand and says "None"!!

"And why is that Johnny"? she asks.....

"Because when the farmer fires the shot then the rest will fly away".

"Thats not right, but i like your way of thinking"!

"Can i ask you a question now miss"

"Yes" says the teacher.

"If 3 woman are sitting in the park...1 is eating a lolly, 1 is sucking a lolly and 1 is licking a lolly then which 1 is married"?

She thinks for a while and says "The 1 sucking the lolly"?

"No the 1 thats got the wedding ring on but i like 'your' way of thinking miss. :thumbs:

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Teacher says to the class................"If there are 3 crows sitting on a fence and the farmer shoots 1, how many are still sitting on the fence". Little Johnny puts up his hand and says "None"!!

"And why is that Johnny"? she asks.....

"Because when the farmer fires the shot then the rest will fly away".

"Thats not right, but i like your way of thinking"!

"Can i ask you a question now miss"

"Yes" says the teacher.

"If 3 woman are sitting in the park...1 is eating a lolly, 1 is sucking a lolly and 1 is licking a lolly then which 1 is married"?

She thinks for a while and says "The 1 sucking the lolly"?

"No the 1 thats got the wedding ring on but i like 'your' way of thinking miss. :thumbs:


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Teacher says to the class................"If there are 3 crows sitting on a fence and the farmer shoots 1, how many are still sitting on the fence". Little Johnny puts up his hand and says "None"!!

"And why is that Johnny"? she asks.....

"Because when the farmer fires the shot then the rest will fly away".

"Thats not right, but i like your way of thinking"!

"Can i ask you a question now miss"

"Yes" says the teacher.

"If 3 woman are sitting in the park...1 is eating a lolly, 1 is sucking a lolly and 1 is licking a lolly then which 1 is married"?

She thinks for a while and says "The 1 sucking the lolly"?

"No the 1 thats got the wedding ring on but i like 'your' way of thinking miss. :thumbs:

:clapper: :clapper: :laugh: :laugh:

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Come on girls you can have the fun jerking this thing off, whilst getting trim, and there's no mess at the end either :good:

there should be no mess if done right enyways :tongue4: gulp :laugh:

Correct mate......i heard Topnotch's nickname around his way is "Dyson".... :whistling:


That's Earth's influence over him that is, he's been acting very strange since talking to him :rofl: .


he like to called 'Vax' on a sunday evening so ive been told..

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