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got up this morning and went down to sort out the ferrts! opened the lid and usually both hobs are up and climbing out been noisey! my oldest hob was just lying there and wezzing, really life less! took him straight away to my local vet and he looked him over, he confirmed my hob has PHEUMONIA :icon_eek:! he said he is very bad with it. he gave him 3 injections and told me to bring him back in tomorrow to check up on him! so i have my hod in the shed in a clean fresh bed, keeping him nice and warm! the vet told me he has a 50/50 chance :cry:

i check on my ferrets 4/5 times a day when i can! even last night there was no sign of him sick last night! i'm sick as a dog over this! i hope he makes it these are my first ferrets!

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  On 04/08/2010 at 21:14, jonnytraff said:

i would just stick to the vets advice mate.. but keep him warm. plenty water. and some food if he decides to build his energy up to eating thats all i can say mate.. hope he pulls through for you.. jon



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  On 04/08/2010 at 21:10, gentleman jim said:

i cant believe how fast he has gone down hill :no::cry:

he's just curled up sleeping but wezzing like mad!

the vet said it because the weather is all over the place, one min it's lovely, next it's lashing! is there anything else i can do to help him?


is he eating ok Jim ?

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  On 04/08/2010 at 21:45, Kay said:
  On 04/08/2010 at 21:10, gentleman jim said:

i cant believe how fast he has gone down hill :no::cry:

he's just curled up sleeping but wezzing like mad!

the vet said it because the weather is all over the place, one min it's lovely, next it's lashing! is there anything else i can do to help him?


is he eating ok Jim ?


i gave him some food earlier on and he ate it.and have left him him a bowl of food but he is very thin

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I had a wee jill get pneumonia...like yours she was in a very bad way. Vet thought she was going to die but put her on antibiotics and I shifted her inside where I could keep a close eye on her. Woke her frequently to give her water and runny mashed up food. I ground up chicken, mince and watered it down until it was soupy and she was much more interested in eating that then their normal food. She pulled through and went back to chasing rabbits. Best ferret I ever had and went on to make nearly nine years of age. :yes: Hope you have similar success with your hob.

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cheers mate. had him back down at the vets today, he was a bit liveler today but still very wezzey!vet gave him another 3 injections! he is drinking and i bought him some cat food, rabbit flavour! i have mashed it up and he ate some of it!but he is very skinny! he's back inside the shed in a warm hutch! just have to keep an eye on him!

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  On 07/08/2010 at 21:23, gentleman jim said:

well just an up date on my hob! he didn't make it :cray: !

he died there about an hour ago!




Aww, no. That's ever so sad. Consider yourself hugged :(




[ p.s. i know it's not relevant, but i lost my favourite ferret ever, about six months ago; he was called Gentleman Jim, too ]

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