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banger raceing

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Used to love banger racing years ago,theyre nuts alot of them but funny aswell.

remember after a night on the beer many years ago and after having a scuffle attending a race.my head was killing me so i went to see the St Johns ambulance crew for some head ache tablets,they looked at me and asked if id had a bang on the head in the last 24hrs.. i had 2 cracking black eyes,my nose was broke and still weeping,and i had grazes on my chin :hmm: i did ask them to hazard a guess :doh: dont know if they thought i was be a cheeky fecker,but they more or less told me to bugger off :bye:

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hello buddy, they are trying to reopen marshfield banger club on newport speedway facilities, dont know if its going ahead or not...worth ringing them to find out...otherwise there is still racing up in somerset...its quite tame compared to marshfield but still better than watching the telly..

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