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Reloading Help .243

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I wanting to start reloading for my 243 but the thing putting me off it is getting hold of powder and primers and that, in my local area I’ve asked in the shops local to me and they say they don’t do that kind of thing. I was wandering if anyone around the Angus area knows of any shops that sell reloading stuff?





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did you get sorted out mate....?


Reloading Solutins a bit far for me to travel will have a word with my local shop and see if they could order stuff from reloading solutions for me hope so. What would you say is the best kit to buy if you where buying your kit again was looking at bushwear they sell two kits one is the lee set which is about 150 and the other is rcbs which is about 350. Also do you have any recomedations for a good load for fox and roe like which poweder etc heard good reports about 87gr vmax?





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hi mate, 87g v-max is a bit explosive for roe, so i'd go with the 87g BTHP (boat tail hollow point)


n160 works well in the .243 as does varget... some like n140...


personally i'd go for quality once mate, at least in the dies, and press, rcbs are good, lee single stage if monies tight.. i just gave a full set of lee dies away too,

would of sorted you out if i hadn't


they should post to your RFD..... maybe someone on here might know somewhere closer for you..



All the best..




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they can post you powder but its a extra 30 pound because of the type of shipping it needs.


i would get the rcbs kit but if money is tight why not get a lee press but rcbs dies.


as for powder i havent got a 243 but have looked into it and the powders i keep seeing you wouldnt go wrong with are





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As for brass I've kept all my fired rounds its all fedral is this good brass to use I've heard if it fired all ready through your gun you dont have to do something to it I think it was neck sizing or someting might be wrong


Cheers Ben

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nothing wrong with federal brass mate. yes its fired in your chamber now so all you have to do is neck size it.


what i would do tho is buy a casr neck brush and clean out the necks and a primer pocket cleaner to clean the pockets out.

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