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bedlington or plummer?

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The modern bedlington was created for showing. Years ago they were bred for general vermin control I reckon like most other terriers wether it was above or below ground. Any terrier breed thats had miniature poodle added to it is pretty much fecked imo.


I don't think there is any poodle blood in Rillington or Gutchcommon lines.

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The modern bedlington was created for showing. Years ago they were bred for general vermin control I reckon like most other terriers wether it was above or below ground. Any terrier breed thats had miniature poodle added to it is pretty much fecked imo.


I don't think there is any poodle blood in Rillington or Gutchcommon lines.


Gutch common lines are full of it mate,rillington are x breds as well,there is no such thing as a true bedlington any more,critics were complaining about its decline in the 1940's,70 years ago,theres no such thing as a bedlington,just x breeds we call bedlingtons.

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The modern bedlington was created for showing. Years ago they were bred for general vermin control I reckon like most other terriers wether it was above or below ground. Any terrier breed thats had miniature poodle added to it is pretty much fecked imo.


I don't think there is any poodle blood in Rillington or Gutchcommon lines.


Gutch common lines are full of it mate,rillington are x breds as well,there is no such thing as a true bedlington any more,critics were complaining about its decline in the 1940's,70 years ago,theres no such thing as a bedlington,just x breeds we call bedlingtons.


What you mean a bit like jack russels ie any mainly white coloured terrier?


Or plummer, how about patterdales?

Edited by shepp
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The modern bedlington was created for showing. Years ago they were bred for general vermin control I reckon like most other terriers wether it was above or below ground. Any terrier breed thats had miniature poodle added to it is pretty much fecked imo.


I don't think there is any poodle blood in Rillington or Gutchcommon lines.


Gutch common lines are full of it mate,rillington are x breds as well,there is no such thing as a true bedlington any more,critics were complaining about its decline in the 1940's,70 years ago,theres no such thing as a bedlington,just x breeds we call bedlingtons.


What you mean a bit like jack russels ie any mainly white coloured terrier?


Or plummer, how about patterdales?


I dont have any problem with Bedlingtons,i quite like the working types,a mate had a very good beddy/lakeland,that i entered for him,shes behind a lot of the working bedligtons around today as far as i know,anyone beleiving they have pure working stock is just kidding themselves,whippet and poodle were both used by the people who ruined the original stock.

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Why would anyone have a Plummer in their Kennels, a decent JRT will wipe the floor with a Plummer, they are freaks bred by a FREAK. ImO.


ive had so

me good russells . still have a couple. i also now have a couple of plummers. and speaking from experience . I DISAGREE :thumbs:

Edited by Cleanspade
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My plummer will not chase a lure when at any terrier shows he knows full well it ain't reall end of , wheras a jack will all day long yap yap yap and then they get all posesive over a carrier bag , and my plummer just looks at me as if to say it's a bluddy carrier bag ,

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a good friend of mine had a few plummers when i first met him 10/12 yrs ago

he was picking up on a shoot in east yorks with them

excellent at picking up could be called of rabbit when running towards the guns

and before you say its because they werent commited

dug to the same dogs for upto 3hrs and they never showed

stoped till dug to

an excellent alround terrier if bred/work correctly

and by the way had some spot on beddys from a man halifax way

so which ever you choose will be ok

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Why would anyone have a Plummer in their Kennels, a decent JRT will wipe the floor with a Plummer, they are freaks bred by a FREAK. ImO.



how many plummers have you owned?granted ive seen the odd better" jack RUSSELL" BUT nose wise most dont come near a plummer

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Why would anyone have a Plummer in their Kennels, a decent JRT will wipe the floor with a Plummer, they are freaks bred by a FREAK. ImO.



there's no difference between a well bred plummer and a well bred russell,I've kept and worked both over 30yrs and people make generalised ridiculous comments about a breed they've never owned or worked,it seems popular these day's to slate plummer's with a one liner and not back it up with any credible evidence,granted some lines make poor earth dogs but other's are as good as any out there,there's good and bad dogs in every breed,atb,wirralman

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