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An afternoon in the fields

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So I got bored this afternoon and at 5 went out to the farm, but like an idiot left the camera at home.


As I was getting ready there were a couple of feral pigeons hanging around but a horse wandered over towards them and was too close so lucky pigeons, same for the woody that was just behind them.


So I went out along the lane and down the hill where I spied numerous bunnies sitting in the lane (which is just grass at the bottom) and in the field to the right. I slowly moved towards them and quickly got the closest one. It rolled over and kicked a bit.


I went for a second rabbit about 2 yards further away but just missed it and it disappeared pretty swiftly along with all but one of the bunnies in sight. That one sat by a fence post until I had moved a little closer when it hopped out and into view and quickly joined its relative.


Next I wandered around the fields where I saw quite a lot of rabbits but they were in exposed ground where getting close is difficult. A young one stayed put and became the third victim. Thatone though moved just as I took the shot and was spined so once despatched it went into the undergrowth for charlie.


Other than that I didn't get anything but noticed there are going to loads of blackberries but the birds have been stripping the elderberries. I'll certainly be doing more blackberry wine at the end of the month or early next month and will have to see about the elderberries, there are probably enough still on the trees to get at least a gallon's worth.

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You're going to need some of this brewing kit we've got down here then aren't you Alan! Have to pick some up when you come down to help us move. Don't forget to bring your rifle too, we'll run her over the chrono and see what she's making!


Good work with the bunnies, are the fields too wet to drive on now? If not I'd drag someone along to do the lamp, and have a go at lamping them from the landy!


Hopefully we'll make it up there sometime soon, and we can have a go round there with the rimmy, it makes things sooo much easier! ;)

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Yeah, I'll have to remember the camera, I got nearly half way there (about 2 miles from home) when I realised.


If you don't want all of that kit then yes I'll pick some up when I am down, and I was intending to bring the rifle as I'll be in the car.


The fields are still very dry, I expected them to be quite wet after the recent rain but they are fine and the horses have been moved out of the best field for bunnies :)

Edited by Alan Clark
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