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The RWS brand name is well known.

There pellets are tried & trusted worldwide.

For years I've used the RWS SuperHollowPoint pellets with much success in a variety of different rifles

In both .177 & .22

Finding it not so in my latest rifle doesn't make it suddenly a bad pellet, I'm keeping the part tin for the next rifle I get.

Of course I never intend to change rifles but you never know.

Being bored & being curious I decided to test & try out the expanding side of things.

If your a hunter thoughts turn to hollow point pellets for max knock down power but do they work, are they worth getting.

Flat heads are better for paper punching so expanding pellets are better for hunting ?

The first & foremost requirement of a hunting pellet is accuracy, as is target shooting.

Domes are general purpose types & when an accurate one is found it can be used throughout the full distance range of your shooting.

Flats are short range use as the groups open up with distance, as are hollow points, I've found that to be the case anyway.

So the advantage for a hunter has to be the expansion of the pellet then otherwise a dome will be a better choice.

Looking at the RWS hollowpoints side on you'll notice the head is quite flat & the outer ring is slightly angled, a typical waisted pellet design with a tight waist at the top of the skirt.

Underneath the skirt thickness is thinish & on inspection I've found damaged pellets to be very minimal.

So far marks on the base but no squashed ones.

Looking down on the pellet the cup of the hollowpoint is quite shallow.

When the pellet strikes the target there isn't much metal in the head to expand, the bulk of the weight / lead is in the base of the cup / top of the skirt area so the outer ring of the cup has no option but to fold down over the skirt quite often seperating leaving the pellet in two parts.

A thin ring & a small slug shape.

Looking at the results I would suggest a wider entry wound as the ring starts to roll down the skirt then a much narrower wound channel as the small dome shaped remains carry on through muscle & tissue.

See the "expansion" results here.

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The only true expansion of a pellet in a sub 12ft/lbs rifle or pistol in this country is simply when the skirt recieves the initial blast of air which causes the skirt to expand to make a seal with the barrel and rifling.


Shoot some quarry with carious pellets flat, domed, pointed or hollow point and then retrieve the pellet from the quarry to see the deformation of the pellet.

The deformation barely exists.

The most deformed pellet I have retrieved from a quarry's brain had a slight mark where it hit the bone and the initial blast deformation of the of the skirt.


Yes when you shoot at something solid such as steel plate etc.. there will be expansion because of the expended energy as the projectile comes to a hard abrupt halt. The rest of the pellet behind the 1st bit that hits continues until its all come to a stop, this causes the lead to move outwards.


The photographs of it after contact with a solid object makes for good avertising especially with the marketing hype of the people who market them.


But in reality you can only rely on wound channel damage and the transfere of kinetic energy to do the job.


Pellet expansion in a sub 12 is a myth when used on live quarry.



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The only true expansion of a pellet in a sub 12ft/lbs rifle or pistol in this country is simply when the skirt recieves the initial blast of air which causes the skirt to expand to make a seal with the barrel and rifling.


Shoot some quarry with carious pellets flat, domed, pointed or hollow point and then retrieve the pellet from the quarry to see the deformation of the pellet.

The deformation barely exists.

The most deformed pellet I have retrieved from a quarry's brain had a slight mark where it hit the bone and the initial blast deformation of the of the skirt.


Yes when you shoot at something solid such as steel plate etc.. there will be expansion because of the expended energy as the projectile comes to a hard abrupt halt. The rest of the pellet behind the 1st bit that hits continues until its all come to a stop, this causes the lead to move outwards.


The photographs of it after contact with a solid object makes for good avertising especially with the marketing hype of the people who market them.


But in reality you can only rely on wound channel damage and the transfere of kinetic energy to do the job.


Pellet expansion in a sub 12 is a myth when used on live quarry.





I'm with you on this one Quincy, M.E. :D

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Yep, agree with Phantom on this, even with the supersoft AA diablo fields there is hardly any expansion, I pulled one out of a rabbits head the other day and it only had a nick in it and a bit of bone, the pellet skirt had shrunk slightly and had a few creases in it.

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I have to admit, I didnt bother to watch the vid, as I knew what my thoughts were just from reading the post.

I have just watched the vid, and only have one comment to make, the poster is Gunvidder and he knows his stuff and also has some very interesting videos, worth a look are the camo comparison vids.



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i use super hollow points mainly for rats up to 20m they seem to the only thing to knock them over, well really rips them apart (we have big rats here) just got another 25 ish tonight as Zini Say's all clinical kills. i would recommend them for close range work :gunsmilie:

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i have used flat heads,hollow pionts.and i can safley say that a flat head,hollow point is no good after 20/25yds but great for close range



the best flat heads i have used are Crosman verminpell .22










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