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Good ferrets...

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All will work its just to what degree some take to it easyer than others some take alot of trips out before they improve i think years ago when ferrets almost always worked and did the job well first time may of been because they were less domesticated? and theyre wasnt many bred purposely on looks and looks alone by all these pet ferret owners, ive only seen two/3 ferrets do well at first thats out of quite a few some go down once then decide they wont the next time then resurface i brought a ''working jill'' last year took it out wouldnt even enter goes to show it clearly wasnt worked much before.

:hmm: You've lost me there ferretertom you start of with "ALL WILL WORK" and then commence to contradict yourself with examples of ferrets which clearly didn't work

Y.I.S Leeview

Ive lost myself there lol i meant to say they should all eventully make the grade after time with alot of practise maby a few or more seasons and theres alot being bred from with poor qualities and many being sold as working when they may have entered once or twice which isnt working, after all whod sell a good worker? i think a main part is to make sure the ferrets all are well excersised and kept fit over summer sitting in a small cage wont do them much good they need to have staminer ect the few times you can get decent ferrets is when people are packing the game in but theres alot that will tell lies otherwise you just have to try them and take the chance.

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An interesting thread fellas... I for one definitely think the gene pool is now littered with non workers and ther have been too many instances of people breeding for colour/size/etc.


I've a few friends who are very experienced ferreters and they've noticed the same issue.

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I agree that their are sum bad ferrets out there but I'm lucky two of mine are honestly seriously good workers, my others are good but these two stand out! So iv bred these and got some serious workers (y) tbh I think it's because people breed fr the sake of it and not because they a good working pair ;)

in saying that I have three ferrets from my best pair for sale as much as I'd like t keep them iv gt too many lol

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my sandy hob isnt a bad un thats for sure, he was worked on rats prior to me getting him, he doesnt bother with an empty burrow but wont leave an occupied burrow until all of the occupants have bolted. works well solo, wouldnt sell him for any money. hes the only worker i have at moment, ive 2 kits im hopeful will join him when the time comes, 1 poley hob kit. 1 albino hob kit.


sick of jills, sold all mine this year, havent had one real good'un yet

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