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2.5kg of chicken and 10kg of mice

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recently on this forum i was advised to feed my ferrets raw meat....


i now have defrosted a large chicken and two packs of minced beef....


how do i share this between seven ferrets

five will go in one run together all about 16 weeks old.

other two are seperate( 1 year old jil and hob,jil's kits have just been weaned from her)

and also four ferret kits about 10 weeks old


please help me :thumbs:

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recently on this forum i was advised to feed my ferrets raw meat....


i now have defrosted a large chicken and two packs of minced beef....


how do i share this between seven ferrets

five will go in one run together all about 16 weeks old.

other two are seperate( 1 year old jil and hob,jil's kits have just been weaned from her)

and also four ferret kits about 10 weeks old


please help me :thumbs:


sorry thats seven not five in the 16 week old kits run

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recently on this forum i was advised to feed my ferrets raw meat....


i now have defrosted a large chicken and two packs of minced beef....


how do i share this between seven ferrets

five will go in one run together all about 16 weeks old.

other two are seperate( 1 year old jil and hob,jil's kits have just been weaned from her)

and also four ferret kits about 10 weeks old


please help me :thumbs:


sorry thats seven not five in the 16 week old kits run


not being awkward but have u fed them meat before ? ferrets are food imprinted,the young ones shouldnt be fussy but some ferrets get fussy about food when they get older, i have 1 who will eat chicken wings cut in peices , the other 1 wont & 1 prefers JWB to rabbit, but enjoys killing them, i would have tried them on a bit first rather than waste all that good meat, watch them for stashing it,i was told whatever u intend on feeding your ferrets try to do it when they are younger, btw u got your hands full with all those fuzzballs gl sorry cant help on the ammounts ,with that many ferrets all together its hard to share food out as they all just pinch each others :whistling: if it was me i would try them on the legs n wings just in case they dont like it then use the rest as a stir fry for supper :thumbs:

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recently on this forum i was advised to feed my ferrets raw meat....


i now have defrosted a large chicken and two packs of minced beef....


how do i share this between seven ferrets

five will go in one run together all about 16 weeks old.

other two are seperate( 1 year old jil and hob,jil's kits have just been weaned from her)

and also four ferret kits about 10 weeks old


please help me :thumbs:


sorry thats seven not five in the 16 week old kits run


not being awkward but have u fed them meat before ? ferrets are food imprinted,the young ones shouldnt be fussy but some ferrets get fussy about food when they get older, i have 1 who will eat chicken wings cut in peices , the other 1 wont & 1 prefers JWB to rabbit, but enjoys killing them, i would have tried them on a bit first rather than waste all that good meat, watch them for stashing it,i was told whatever u intend on feeding your ferrets try to do it when they are younger, btw u got your hands full with all those fuzzballs gl sorry cant help on the ammounts ,with that many ferrets all together its hard to share food out as they all just pinch each others :whistling: if it was me i would try them on the legs n wings just in case they dont like it then use the rest as a stir fry for supper :thumbs:


nopes never before and i got told off on here for it and knew i had the meat in my freezer so thaught i would defrost it... keeping some back dopes sound yummy as i like spag bolognaise and chicken sandwhiches but if they like it then it will all go to them,

thankyou for your help :thumbs:

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Throw the lot in, they will only eat what they need so will all get a turn. Any bones and fur are good. If they dont seem to keen to start with hunger will soon get the better of them. If i were you id feed meat at night during the summer when there aren't to many flies about then remove whats left in the morning and adjust the amounts the next evening to suit what they need. If theres nothing left, put some more in, if there is lots left don't put as much in.

Good luck.

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with this number of ferrets you want to be sure each is getting what it needs,

personally at the moment i have four 10 -12 week old kits in one run and a jill with a three week old litter in another,,

what i do is i take the jill out of her hutch, handle her and check her over etc, then pop her in ferret box with her meat (minced chicken/lamb, tinned fish, diced wood pigeon etc) clean out her run and sort water check on litter then pop in egg and milk mix if its the right day and pop mummy fezzer back in her hutch in peace,, this means i can supervize her intake and ensure she doesn't hide any and reduce attracting flies,,

i do this one at a time with the older kits, so they get used to handling, used to ferret box etc


its time consuming but i'd rather do it this way then pop in loads of meat, attract flies, cause possible arguements, and unable to supervize the amount each ferret is eating - but each to their own..


also at the risk of telling you what to do,, feeding the ferrets on mince and chicken sounds like a crime if its for human eating and bloody expensive too!!!

you can order raw meat from landywoods dog food, low cost and v good quality meat, or you can go to the butcher and ask for off cuts, i get a plastic bag full of various meats for fifty pence!! dogs love it too!!


hope i've been helpful


atb lurcher lass xxx

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Try them on a piece and see what there reaction is .If they eat it put in enough that they clean it up in one session ,you dont want meat going off in this weather


thankyou for your help between them they devoured 2 boxes of minced meat and a chicken wing or leg, cannot remember.... but they enjoyed it which was good. im going to see a butcher today to see if he got anything that i can buy.

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with this number of ferrets you want to be sure each is getting what it needs,

personally at the moment i have four 10 -12 week old kits in one run and a jill with a three week old litter in another,,

what i do is i take the jill out of her hutch, handle her and check her over etc, then pop her in ferret box with her meat (minced chicken/lamb, tinned fish, diced wood pigeon etc) clean out her run and sort water check on litter then pop in egg and milk mix if its the right day and pop mummy fezzer back in her hutch in peace,, this means i can supervize her intake and ensure she doesn't hide any and reduce attracting flies,,

i do this one at a time with the older kits, so they get used to handling, used to ferret box etc


its time consuming but i'd rather do it this way then pop in loads of meat, attract flies, cause possible arguements, and unable to supervize the amount each ferret is eating - but each to their own..


also at the risk of telling you what to do,, feeding the ferrets on mince and chicken sounds like a crime if its for human eating and bloody expensive too!!!

you can order raw meat from landywoods dog food, low cost and v good quality meat, or you can go to the butcher and ask for off cuts, i get a plastic bag full of various meats for fifty pence!! dogs love it too!!


hope i've been helpful


atb lurcher lass xxx



thanku for the tip on putting in box by turn, will give me time to handle them all as all mine are still nipping :(


the mince and chicken was all i had, they seemed to enjoy it :)


i will have at look at landywoods thankyou, i'm going to pop into my butcher today and see if i can get some off cuts :thumbs:


thankyou for being such an great help :yes:



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i have little lenghts of chan in my cages attached to the mesh i give them half of rabbit a day and chain the legs to the mesh to stop them dragging it into there boxes just a idea 4 ya and bones and fur are needed in a ferrets diet


thanks thts a fab idea [bANNED TEXT] i build ther run for outside :thumbs: , am not feeding them meat every day, it got to messy n flies were too bad :(

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thanks thts a fab idea [bANNED TEXT] i build ther run for outside :thumbs: , am not feeding them meat every day, it got to messy n flies were too bad :(


thats why you feed meat once its dark, then remove left overs first thing in morning :thumbs:

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