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Old ferret with new kits

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Hi all i was just asking for a bit of advice i have a hob ferret who is about 4 years old iv also gone and got myself to new ferret kits a young hob and a jill but weneva i try to introduce them together my older hob always goes for them and trys to bite them i have to move quick to get him i am just wundering when i can put them together and also when can i breed the jill thanks ( happy ferreting cant wait for the season )

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Hi all i was just asking for a bit of advice i have a hob ferret who is about 4 years old iv also gone and got myself to new ferret kits a young hob and a jill but weneva i try to introduce them together my older hob always goes for them and trys to bite them i have to move quick to get him i am just wundering when i can put them together and also when can i breed the jill thanks ( happy ferreting cant wait for the season )



I'll be waiting on the replies in this thread, cos i'm in the same position, mate. Our older hob is a right anti social fecker.

Edited by bert the fert
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I assume your older hob still has its tackle .. if so then its likely he is still a tad hormonal ... if you wait a month or so most hobs will be coming out of season by then as the nights draw in :thumbs:

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As Kay says it's probably hormonal - during the summer/breeding season he will want to bash the other hob and ride the jill - regardless of their age / size. Quite possibly they will be fine when he is not in season - just introduce them in a neutral space - get them out on the floor and let them sniff each other etc. Don't know why so many people do the introductions in the cage - it's gotta be a bit wierd having another two animals suddenly shoved in your home. However some ferrets like some people are just grumpy and anti social and will always have to be kept a lone. As for breeding, she will come into season next year in the spring/summer but i wouldn't breed from here until she has proved herself a top worker and worth breeding a whole litter of kits from, something you won't know this time next year. Also you might want to do some research before you have a litter of kits. Enjoy.



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I'v had this lots of times.

It even happened when I had a jill spayed.When I put her back in with her mother,the mother attacked her for several weeks.I assume she did not recognise the scent after a night at the vets.

As long as there is no blood shed,this is just sorting out the "pecking order".As humans it is very difficult to watch but try not to interfere with nature.

This also happened to me when I introduced a new young hob-the matriarch jill attacked him and dragged him around for the first week or two.

I tried separating them with a wire fence for a bit but as soon as they were put together the jill just had to do what she had to do and attacked him hourly for about a fortnight.

After a few months he was dragging her in the usual randy way!

I say if there is no blood then leave nature to take it's course.


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I'v had this lots of times.

It even happened when I had a jill spayed.When I put her back in with her mother,the mother attacked her for several weeks.I assume she did not recognise the scent after a night at the vets.

As long as there is no blood shed,this is just sorting out the "pecking order".As humans it is very difficult to watch but try not to interfere with nature.

This also happened to me when I introduced a new young hob-the matriarch jill attacked him and dragged him around for the first week or two.

I tried separating them with a wire fence for a bit but as soon as they were put together the jill just had to do what she had to do and attacked him hourly for about a fortnight.

After a few months he was dragging her in the usual randy way!

I say if there is no blood then leave nature to take it's course.



Depends how big your hob is i guess - i don't see the point in letting a big hob drag about and ride an 8 week old kit, when if you wait till his balls are back up all will be more calm.

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Slightly different but I was in a similar position. I have a 2 year old Jill who has been on her own since getting her last winter. She is quite fiery so was worried about putting my new 9 week old jill with her. I neednt of worried as she got on great even mothering her, picking her and putting the new Jill in the nest box!!

If anything the new Jill is being the bugger especially at feeding time!!

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Your putting two males together right in the middle of the breeding season no wonder the big older hobs grabbing him showing him ,his place then going to bum him ,try them together later in the year when the breeding seasons finished and see how the fair

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mate you could of put them in soon as you got them he won't kill them.. hes just excited and hormonal.. i put my kits and mother back in withthe hb when they are 6 week old.. ATB jon

Ok mate thanks for the advice he has calmed down abit now i fink he was just a bit exited n all that with new ferrets cumin in .

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I had the opposite problem when I put my hob back in with the jill and his litter a few years back :laugh: After an hour of him dragging them off to the nest box one by one to try it on, (dirty ole bugger! :laugh:) they wouldn't leave him alone! :D It was funny watching him trying to get away with a load of kits swarming over his back! :clapper: He was as soft as shite mine you. :thumbs:

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All ferrets are different 1 of mine would fight with every ferret she went near no matter [bANNED TEXT] age or sex apart from 1 strange lol . And another jill would mother every ferret with her for the first week or so lol. as for breeding I'd wait t c if it's any good first. If she is I go for second break :D atb

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