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Back from holiday

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Well, not posted on here in a while. Not long back from holiday and was dying to go out.


So me Scott went to the permission on Tuesday night. Didnt get anything but never left empty handed. Theres a field next to the woods thats always jumping with bunnies, and we seen the owner doing some work in it so asked it he would mind us shooting in it, and he said it was fine.


So we went back up tonight and when we passed the field there must have been at least 25 rabbits along the tree line, result.


So we got set up in the field, Scott in the middle and me at the bottom corner, both about 25-30 yards away from the fence.


Where i was shooting from


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The view up the fenceline


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After about 15 mins bunny numero uno appeared. It was a bit further away from my zero, not sure exactly how much but decided to give it a half mildot over and the pellet hit the spot perfectly. Not great with ranges but its going to get a bit easier for me now, theres a Guntuff LRF winging its way to my doorstep as i type :D


Then after about another 20 mins, i could see 2 rabbits through the fence, and hoped the would come into the field, and they did. I aimed at the bigger of the two and missed!! :wallbash: sending it bolting away, but the 2nd of the two stayed long enough for me to put a pellet in its brain.


10 mins later i went over to see Scott, and on y way back spotted a monster of a dog running towards me barking, i thought 'oh shit'. But the owner of the field called it and it stopped. She walked over to me and introduced herself. She said in September they have scouts camping in the field and asked if we would be able to come up and show them how to gut and skin rabbits and stuff, i told her no problem and that was that.


Went for a quick walk round the woods but nothing happening so went back to my spot.


After another 15 mins or so another rabbit appeared, i had checked my zero on a post next to where it was so new it should be an easy shot, and it was, rabbit number 3 in the bag. Then another popped out, i never realised it but as i took my shot, Scott had one lined up and the sound of my pellet hitting its mark sent his rabbit offski, but he got me back by doing the exact same thing to me 20 mins later lol.


So to cut a long story short, we had a great night, best trip so far. Scott and his .177 Ultra got 3 bunnies and me and my .22 S200 got 5, biggest bag so far. We have defo landed on out feet with this whole permission.


Pics below


End of night shot


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Close ups


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So now i have my LRF to look forward to, should be here tomorrow. Will be doing a bit of experimenting with it over the weekend





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great read mate, going to miss reading the storys for a bit as moving out and wont have internet for a bit, but will still take pictures of my days out to post at a later date.


ps forgot your sp

Edited by wullieh
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At least you got one John,


I had to fork out £3.99 for mine :icon_eek:


Sill worth every penny though :D




Yeh cant wait to give mine a go. Im getting up in 3 and a half hours for an early start and was wanting to give it a go but cant now, bit pissed off but ah well.


nice shooting bud,great pics and write up...dib dib dob dob,lol .SP awarded.... :thumbs:


Cheers for the SP buddy


great read mate, going to miss reading the storys for a bit as moving out and wont have internet for a bit, but will still take pictures of my days out to post at a later date.


ps forgot your sp



Thanks mate. At least when you get back on you can spend a good bit of time reading old posts, looking forward to reading your write ups

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Nice to get home!! lol. Why pay for a holiday and waste the money in the first place if its nice to get home. Especially to this shit hole, lol.


Fair enough. But i quite like life back here in the Scotland, so it was 'nice to get home'

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