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big thanks

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Guest fence_hopper

well done total lamper top lad.. i recently got 2 stolen whippets back for an ungreatfull little sh*t of this site ERYRI with not so much as a thank you, just goe's to show there are some descent greatfull people out there worth helping out.

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well done total lamper top lad.. i recently got 2 stolen whippets back for an ungreatfull little sh*t of this site ERYRI with not so much as a thank you, just goe's to show there are some descent greatfull people out there worth helping out.

a,your a good man mate :thumbs: ungreatful :censored:

sound hopper,good man :thumbs:

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Guest fence_hopper

cheers tb25 same here mate dint want no glory from it but atleast a thank you after driving them around looking for them till about 11.30 at night :doh: never mind mate he need not ask me if it happens again.

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i would just like 2 point out that a lad off this site called total lamper is a real dog man i had a dog stolen about 2 months ago and had it on a website for stolen dogs its not the best worker but it will do most fings i come across in the feild.


so anyways just just like to say a big thanks to total lamper for the email he sent me sayin that he fought he saw the dog 1 night when he were out lamping i gave him my numba and he rang he had no pikz of my dog so i fought it could of been a wasted journey but this man is a credit two all dog men.. i would just like two say that if your dog gets stolen and thers a pik of it somewhere and total lamper sees your pik he will keep his eyes open and eers two the ground i was reunited with my dog last week after 6 weeks of worrie and fought ide never see my dog agen but [bANNED TEXT] he rang and offerd me night out i couldnt resist as he took me two the place were he fought he saw my dog..


as we were lampin we got some good runs on rabbits and big ears but never saw my dog so fought it were a waste of journey until we pulled into a petrol station so i could fill the jeep up then all of a sudden total lamper put down the window and said liam look on the other side of the road i was gobsmacked two see 2 lads with my dog they were only about 19/20 and were calling my dog buster so i shouted over casually WHAT BREEDING IS YOUR DOG M8T they turned round and walked towards us and said saluki bull grey x collie bull grey... i new it was my dog fom the way it came over waggin his tail and just the overall features of the dog so i said two the lads were did yous get it from and they said they were holding it for a while for a m8t so i gave them my numba and took the dog and said tell your m8t two ring me because this is my dog it were pinched weeks ago it has been just over a week now and no phone call off this lads m8t so they must no thats all i can sy jus wish the lad who stole my dog was their but fortunatley he wernt as he wood of been in trouble... so thanks agen two my pal total lamper wood just like two point out i was offering total lamper 150 pounds for the 1and half hour drive home and he refused it we will now be running the dogs together this season TOTAL LAMPER TRUE DOG MAN


i would say top lamper is a top bloke for doin that , fair play to him

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well done top lamper thats how it should be id do exactly same an id like to think someone would do it for me doenst always pan out like that though an fhopper at least you know you did right mate :thumbs: an text talk is a wind up lads :thumbs:

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