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Who DO they think they are?!

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At the risk of upsetting a few decent ham shanks................ Since when has America had the god given right to "summon" our politicians and servants of the queen, to america to answer questions about something that was passed by our law and judicial system.

I am not interested in whether Almagrahi is innocent or guilty. The decision was made in law and we are not answerable to the good ol u s of a!

Not only that! They are banging on about how they are going to hold BP to account over the oil blow out which was probably their fault anyway but waht did they do when Union Carbide chemical plant blew up?

Sold it for a dollar and indemnified themselves of any claims against it!








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I wasn't going to bother responding again because it doesn't do any good really, but I have had a shitty day and am in a stroppy f*****g mood ... we are not all the same, no more than "you" are all t

I have just become dissillusioned (spelling ?) with the whole world, and im not going to blame the yanks for that   Just seems like everyone is always trying to get one over on everyone else, no o

Yes I agree I am an uneducated colonial and couldn't possibly understand the advanced ways of UK politics.... I suppose this is why The UK is going to allow sharia law courts to have jurisdiction in

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Welcome back.





Not quite back but in the ether man!


Gotta stop listening to the news.driving me mad.


You wait folks. BP will prove that it was a catostrophic human error by some poor american who sadly lost his life, so the white house (ohhh the irony of that name!) will then blame Alkaida......11/9 and the WTC revisited methinks!

Ninging at the speed of light in a conspiratotrial manner.






ps I bet Donk has something to say on this one!

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they make the rules up as they go along and do what suits them . Its like the second world war when the germans lost the war how they decided what was a war crime was if the allies done it it wasnt a war crime but if the axis had only done it then it was a war crime . theyre the only nation EVER to use the atomic bomb i think that tells you all you need to know


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Welcome back.





Not quite back but in the ether man!


Gotta stop listening to the news.driving me mad.


You wait folks. BP will prove that it was a catostrophic human error by some poor american who sadly lost his life, so the white house (ohhh the irony of that name!) will then blame Alkaida......11/9 and the WTC revisited methinks!

Ninging at the speed of light in a conspiratotrial manner.






ps I bet Donk has something to say on this one!


Ha ha i was wondering when somebody would mention this one.

Well its pretty straight forward isnt it?

The yanks are going to nail B.P.'s arse to the wall with compensation claims then take over the drilling in that area, or take over B.P.

Never mind that we are their oldest allies, there is a worldwide recession on and they want to f**k everyone over so that the recession hits them least hardest.

Its the school ground bully scenario,and if we in Britain dont play by their rules we are going to get our backsides kicked.

They misled us over the WMD in Iraq, fed us false and unconfirmed information, look at the mess we are in over that !

Nothing surprises me with that country anymore. It seems to me that the leaders of that country are obsessed with their greed for oil and power.

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I wasn't going to bother responding again because it doesn't do any good really, but I have had a shitty day and am in a stroppy f*****g mood ... we are not all the same, no more than "you" are all the same.


Unless BP can find someone else to blame, Obama is going to hang them for the gulf disaster, his people will find some way to make them pay. He is going to find a way to ban the offshore drilling all around the US, he is trying to kill all drilling everywhere. What in the hell will we do when he succeeds, and I know in the pit of my stomach that he will. Most importantly he (and so many other people in government and in the general public) is ignoring the REAL problem that should be 1000% at the front of our minds all the time, this war, this conflict, that the world is in right now, with the US and UK locked inside, trying to outfight people who have been fighting eachother for thousands of years, in terrain that cannot be fought in, is going nowhere other than killing our young (and old!) men and women in both of our countries, plus the countrymen whose lands are being occupied. It is hardly on the regular news at all, I usually have 30 minutes on in the morning and again at night, and hardly a blip for months unless you watch CNN or the foreign channels. I was raised in a PROUD military family, my dad was a 30 year Navy man, over 100 bombing missions in Korea, UK Diplomat, and your lads fly one of the planes he designed. He was a RABIDLY strong conservative and loved his country and your country but must be rolling in his grave at what is happening to us all now. My son is struggling with the desire to enlist and continue the tradition, and his absolute belief that the war being fought is not one that can be "won". I don't want to mourn my son fighting THIS war (of course not wanting to mourn him for any reason! but especially not a war going nowhere, and is a war for foreign oil.


rant f*****g over

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I wasn't going to bother responding again because it doesn't do any good really, but I have had a shitty day and am in a stroppy f*****g mood ... we are not all the same, no more than "you" are all the same.


Unless BP can find someone else to blame, Obama is going to hang them for the gulf disaster, his people will find some way to make them pay. He is going to find a way to ban the offshore drilling all around the US, he is trying to kill all drilling everywhere. What in the hell will we do when he succeeds, and I know in the pit of my stomach that he will. Most importantly he (and so many other people in government and in the general public) is ignoring the REAL problem that should be 1000% at the front of our minds all the time, this war, this conflict, that the world is in right now, with the US and UK locked inside, trying to outfight people who have been fighting eachother for thousands of years, in terrain that cannot be fought in, is going nowhere other than killing our young (and old!) men and women in both of our countries, plus the countrymen whose lands are being occupied. It is hardly on the regular news at all, I usually have 30 minutes on in the morning and again at night, and hardly a blip for months unless you watch CNN or the foreign channels. I was raised in a PROUD military family, my dad was a 30 year Navy man, over 100 bombing missions in Korea, UK Diplomat, and your lads fly one of the planes he designed. He was a RABIDLY strong conservative and loved his country and your country but must be rolling in his grave at what is happening to us all now. My son is struggling with the desire to enlist and continue the tradition, and his absolute belief that the war being fought is not one that can be "won". I don't want to mourn my son fighting THIS war (of course not wanting to mourn him for any reason! but especially not a war going nowhere, and is a war for foreign oil.


rant f*****g over


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It was American contractor's that were doing the drilling, American employee's working on the rig, and an American made pipe cap the failed, all overseen by American Management. but it's Britain at fault and were going to have to pay.

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It was American contractor's that were doing the drilling, American employee's working on the rig, and an American made pipe cap the failed, all overseen by American Management. but it's Britain at fault and were going to have to pay.



Obama has got a huge cup on his shoulder where the UK is concerned. :yes: He's got issues because his grandfather worked as a servant for a British family in the days of empire. It shows by the way he's been calling BP, British Petroleum every time he speaks about the company. It hasn't been called British Petroleum for a long time, or hasn't been a British owned company for years either for that matter... :no:

I think the yanks are fantastic :thumbs:


I like the Yanks, just not the one that's in charge there ATM... :no:

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I like the Yanks, just not the one that's in charge there ATM... :no:


Ah yeah, but it's not as if the ordinary person on the street get to chose who runs the place, the richest candidate usually wins. So I'd discount that lot entirely.


God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;

the courage to change the things I can;

and the wisdom to know the difference.

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I have just become dissillusioned (spelling ?) with the whole world, and im not going to blame the yanks for that :laugh:


Just seems like everyone is always trying to get one over on everyone else, no one seems happy with their lot these days?

Freakin maniacs everywhere, youngsters growing up too quick, parents with no parental skills, and respect? Whatever happened to that old chestnut? :doh:


These are funny times we live in, sometimes amazing and wonderful, but more often than not all we here about is death and misery.


Lifes what you make it.

Im off to get my little house by the river,going to watch the salmon run up with the tides. Watch the kingfisher flash backwards and forwards. See the seals fishing, chasing the shoals of small fish.

My heart goes out to all the normal people who have been affected by the oil disaster. All the fishermen and related industries. All the wildlife that has been killed or endangered.

If only the rest of the world saw what i see, maybe it would calm things down a bit?

I doubt it !

I learned a few years back that money will never make you happy.

You will only ever find happiness within yourself, and thats the truth.

All these people who chase money,wealth and power. . . . . . . . . . . they are really missing the point. :doh:

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Yes it is well known how ethical and humanitarian the Brit's are ........ Sainted Angels to the last man....:whistling: It must be the American influence that causes all of the worlds problems -- Americans be damned ...... :gunsmilie:


I think it's the American rock and roll music that causes non- Americans to go nutters .......:icon_eek:


[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoRpfRhXDFc[ media]

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