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Who DO they think they are?!

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Yes it is well known how ethical and humanitarian the Brit's are ........ Sainted Angels to the last man....:whistling: It must be the American influence that causes all of the worlds problems -- Americans be damned ...... :gunsmilie:


I think it's the American rock and roll music that causes non- Americans to go nutters .......:icon_eek:


[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoRpfRhXDFc[ media]

Somehow I just knew you'd miss the point SGS. Good on ya for being patriotic and all that. But get real.

Almagrahi was arrested, charged, tried and sentenced in Scotland. He was also released on compassionate grounds by the Scotts. You've got some chairman of a senate committee "outraged" because our politicians refused to give evidence at a hearing that was predominately set up, to tie BP into a case of oil for prisoners.

How dare the U S of A question the sovreign right of another state?! I'm no fan of the Scotts for many reasons but by hell have they got this one right! If they want to question government representatives about the decisions made in their own country, lets have GW Bush, Dick Cheney and all the other liers that dragged my country into a war that someone has already said "can't be won". FFS the Ruskies tried and failed as have every other so called super power. Jeez how thick are they?

When are you americans going to get it? YOU ARE NOT THE WORLD POLICE AND YOU ARE NOT THE BEST EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM. Keep your nose out of others buiness and the world will be a better place.



Donk. You're going soft........But I agree and I'm happy for ya. But you cannot turn your back on these issues. Rant FFS Man!






Trying to find his happy place so he can ning quietly to himself

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I wasn't going to bother responding again because it doesn't do any good really, but I have had a shitty day and am in a stroppy f*****g mood ... we are not all the same, no more than "you" are all t

I have just become dissillusioned (spelling ?) with the whole world, and im not going to blame the yanks for that   Just seems like everyone is always trying to get one over on everyone else, no o

Yes I agree I am an uneducated colonial and couldn't possibly understand the advanced ways of UK politics.... I suppose this is why The UK is going to allow sharia law courts to have jurisdiction in

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they make the rules up as they go along and do what suits them . Its like the second world war when the germans lost the war how they decided what was a war crime was if the allies done it it wasnt a war crime but if the axis had only done it then it was a war crime . theyre the only nation EVER to use the atomic bomb i think that tells you all you need to know


not an expert but what can i say i done my homework while at school


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they make the rules up as they go along and do what suits them . Its like the second world war when the germans lost the war how they decided what was a war crime was if the allies done it it wasnt a war crime but if the axis had only done it then it was a war crime . theyre the only nation EVER to use the atomic bomb i think that tells you all you need to know


not an expert but what can i say i done my homework while at school


I know why


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they make the rules up as they go along and do what suits them . Its like the second world war when the germans lost the war how they decided what was a war crime was if the allies done it it wasnt a war crime but if the axis had only done it then it was a war crime . theyre the only nation EVER to use the atomic bomb i think that tells you all you need to know


not an expert but what can i say i done my homework while at school


I know why


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Personally, I think the decision to release Merhengi was the wrong one & done for political reasons.


"Hey world, look at us, Scotland's a big boy now..."


That said, I think it's bang out of order for US senators to presume they can summon senior members of a foreign government at their bidding... :yes:


they make the rules up as they go along and do what suits them . Its like the second world war when the germans lost the war how they decided what was a war crime was if the allies done it it wasnt a war crime but if the axis had only done it then it was a war crime . theyre the only nation EVER to use the atomic bomb i think that tells you all you need to know


not an expert but what can i say i done my homework while at school


I know why


You seriously think the Nazi's, Japs or Russians wouldn't have been the first to use the bomb if they'd finished their research into it first?


Also, the Manhattan project wasn't solely an American project, It was an American/Canadian/British project.


While we're on the subject of WW2, your condemnation of the allies is a slap in the face to thousands of your countrymen who went to their deaths on the Atlantic convoys.. :yes: While your governments position was officially neutral, thousands of brave Irish sailors served in the merchant navy, and suffered heavy losses...

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Personally, I think the decision to release Merhengi was the wrong one & done for political reasons.


"Hey world, look at us, Scotland's a big boy now..."


That said, I think it's bang out of order for US senators to presume they can summon senior members of a foreign government at their bidding... :yes:


they make the rules up as they go along and do what suits them . Its like the second world war when the germans lost the war how they decided what was a war crime was if the allies done it it wasnt a war crime but if the axis had only done it then it was a war crime . theyre the only nation EVER to use the atomic bomb i think that tells you all you need to know


not an expert but what can i say i done my homework while at school


I know why


You seriously think the Nazi's, Japs or Russians wouldn't have been the first to use the bomb if they'd finished their research into it first?


Also, the Manhattan project wasn't solely an American project, It was an American/Canadian/British project.


While we're on the subject of WW2, your condemnation of the allies is a slap in the face to thousands of your countrymen who went to their deaths on the Atlantic convoys.. :yes: While your governments position was officially neutral, thousands of brave Irish sailors served in the merchant navy, and suffered heavy losses...


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Of course its so very easy to point the finger of blame.

None of us are 'whiter than white'.

I guess it all boils down to our country of origin, our beliefs and morals and our affiliations? Whatever !!!

We are entitled to our opinions and allowed to voice them because of the societies that we have fought to build. Others are not as fortunate.

Example:- If i lived in a different country to Britain and my wife was unfaithful, then she would have been stoned to death :icon_eek: . As it is,i live in Britain, she was unfaithful and the powers that be made me pay for her upkeep while the fat whore sat on her arse :laugh:

Which is the better way to conduct a civil society?

As i say, its all down to personal preferences, and we are never going to agree with each other all of the time.

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Yes it is well known how ethical and humanitarian the Brit's are ........ Sainted Angels to the last man....:whistling: It must be the American influence that causes all of the worlds problems -- Americans be damned ...... :gunsmilie:


I think it's the American rock and roll music that causes non- Americans to go nutters .......:icon_eek:


[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoRpfRhXDFc[ media]

Somehow I just knew you'd miss the point SGS. Good on ya for being patriotic and all that. But get real.

Almagrahi was arrested, charged, tried and sentenced in Scotland. He was also released on compassionate grounds by the Scotts. You've got some chairman of a senate committee "outraged" because our politicians refused to give evidence at a hearing that was predominately set up, to tie BP into a case of oil for prisoners.

How dare the U S of A question the sovreign right of another state?! I'm no fan of the Scotts for many reasons but by hell have they got this one right! If they want to question government representatives about the decisions made in their own country, lets have GW Bush, Dick Cheney and all the other liers that dragged my country into a war that someone has already said "can't be won". FFS the Ruskies tried and failed as have every other so called super power. Jeez how thick are they?

When are you americans going to get it? YOU ARE NOT THE WORLD POLICE AND YOU ARE NOT THE BEST EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM. Keep your nose out of others buiness and the world will be a better place.



Donk. You're going soft........But I agree and I'm happy for ya. But you cannot turn your back on these issues. Rant FFS Man!






Trying to find his happy place so he can ning quietly to himself


Yes I agree I am an uneducated colonial and couldn't possibly understand the advanced ways of UK politics.... I suppose this is why The UK is going to allow sharia law courts to have jurisdiction in the UK..... Yes I can see how it would be confusing to have both the Muslims and us Yanks bossing you around..........:tongue2:

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Yes it is well known how ethical and humanitarian the Brit's are ........ Sainted Angels to the last man....:whistling: It must be the American influence that causes all of the worlds problems -- Americans be damned ...... :gunsmilie:


I think it's the American rock and roll music that causes non- Americans to go nutters .......:icon_eek:


[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoRpfRhXDFc[ media]

Somehow I just knew you'd miss the point SGS. Good on ya for being patriotic and all that. But get real.

Almagrahi was arrested, charged, tried and sentenced in Scotland. He was also released on compassionate grounds by the Scotts. You've got some chairman of a senate committee "outraged" because our politicians refused to give evidence at a hearing that was predominately set up, to tie BP into a case of oil for prisoners.

How dare the U S of A question the sovreign right of another state?! I'm no fan of the Scotts for many reasons but by hell have they got this one right! If they want to question government representatives about the decisions made in their own country, lets have GW Bush, Dick Cheney and all the other liers that dragged my country into a war that someone has already said "can't be won". FFS the Ruskies tried and failed as have every other so called super power. Jeez how thick are they?

When are you americans going to get it? YOU ARE NOT THE WORLD POLICE AND YOU ARE NOT THE BEST EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM. Keep your nose out of others buiness and the world will be a better place.



Donk. You're going soft........But I agree and I'm happy for ya. But you cannot turn your back on these issues. Rant FFS Man!






Trying to find his happy place so he can ning quietly to himself


Yes I agree I am an uneducated colonial and couldn't possibly understand the advanced ways of UK politics.... I suppose this is why The UK is going to allow sharia law courts to have jurisdiction in the UK..... Yes I can see how it would be confusing to have both the Muslims and us Yanks bossing you around..........:tongue2:


Nah it's not because you're a Yank that you've missed the point, it's because your a clown and an embarrassment to all the decent Yanks why you missed the point.

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blame Alkaida......11/9 and the WTC revisited methinks!

Ninging at the speed of light in a conspiratotrial manner.



Come on Swampy, hav'nt you been paying attention to the educational posts on here? 9/11 was'nt an act of terrorism, it was done by the Jews acting on the orders of the extra-terrestrial cyborg men who were spawned by Hitler the arch Mason :boogie:

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I wasn't going to bother responding again because it doesn't do any good really, but I have had a shitty day and am in a stroppy f*****g mood ... we are not all the same, no more than "you" are all the same.


Unless BP can find someone else to blame, Obama is going to hang them for the gulf disaster, his people will find some way to make them pay. He is going to find a way to ban the offshore drilling all around the US, he is trying to kill all drilling everywhere. What in the hell will we do when he succeeds, and I know in the pit of my stomach that he will. Most importantly he (and so many other people in government and in the general public) is ignoring the REAL problem that should be 1000% at the front of our minds all the time, this war, this conflict, that the world is in right now, with the US and UK locked inside, trying to outfight people who have been fighting eachother for thousands of years, in terrain that cannot be fought in, is going nowhere other than killing our young (and old!) men and women in both of our countries, plus the countrymen whose lands are being occupied. It is hardly on the regular news at all, I usually have 30 minutes on in the morning and again at night, and hardly a blip for months unless you watch CNN or the foreign channels. I was raised in a PROUD military family, my dad was a 30 year Navy man, over 100 bombing missions in Korea, UK Diplomat, and your lads fly one of the planes he designed. He was a RABIDLY strong conservative and loved his country and your country but must be rolling in his grave at what is happening to us all now. My son is struggling with the desire to enlist and continue the tradition, and his absolute belief that the war being fought is not one that can be "won". I don't want to mourn my son fighting THIS war (of course not wanting to mourn him for any reason! but especially not a war going nowhere, and is a war for foreign oil.


rant f*****g over


Tiff ... I hope your son will be OK in whatever he choose's .... I agree that the world needs to concentrate on the war on terror..... I dissagree that it is a war strictly for the oil reserves.... I believe it is exactly what the Muslims say it is - Jihad plain and simple , The Islamafication of the world that is their goal ... The Muslim's , Jew's and Christians have be fighting long before oil was even a factor .... Oil is not what the Miuslims care about they want to rule the entire world and be rid of th infidels....

The release of Alamagori by the Scots is the demonstration of how influential Islam is in the UK and it also demonstrates how spineless the leaders are in the UK... Sharia law is far stronger than the .namby pamby legal systems being used in the UK the Muslims are far stronger than the idigenous people of the UK ..... Proof is in the pudding.....


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