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How hard is it to train a seluki deerhouse puppy?

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I have a 15 week old seluki deerhound called Sloc. It's such a little good puppy and was suprised on how quiet he is! He's a size of a whippet now, but I cannot get him to go to the toilet outside, he seems to love doing it in the house! :thumbdown: I've Googled on how to potty train a puppy and nothing is working at-all. He just looks at me! How the hell do you house train them. Also how hard is it to train him on the rabbits/ hares as this is why me and my partner got him. On the Isle Of Man, it's practically Lurcher haven as we are surrounded by rabbits, but mostly hares. I have herd that Seluki's are quite 'doapy' and do not listen to their owners, but because he has deerhound in him, would that make a difference to his mind skills? Please help me!! :blink:

Edited by Sloc
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Guest chook

Deerhounds listen when they feel like it :D

they also dont mature till at least 3 years old.



House training - you can not expect a 15 week old pup to be fully house trained,

as soon as it wakes take it out, as soon as its eaten take it out ETC,

take it out at least every hour to two hours, when your outside, just let the pup do

what ever it is doing, dont interact - as soon as you see it doing something give it a key word

like go toilet or what ever you want to say, as soon as its finished praise estaticly(sp),

over night either crate or wake up and take it out about twice a night.



ps hares are illigal to hunt - i presume its the same on the Isle Of Man as it is hear :)

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I have been doing that with him, but he still likes to wee and poo in the house, but I know it isn't expected of him to be fully trained! As far as I know about the Manx Hunting law's is you can only if the farmer's ask for it you have to have a special licence. Last year they brought out this new law saying between the month's of 1st July until end of March, or around them times you can shoot or lamp hare's and also shoot Greylag geese as they are causing havock up in the Ballaugh Curragh's. But you can only have this special licence and it only lasts up to 2 years. This is to control the species and if they still cause hacock this law will stay in action for another 2 years. The only hare you cannot hunt over here is the Mountain hare, but brown hare's are okay to hunt but only with this licence. That is as much as I know at the moment. :thumbs:

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