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How long before you would do a set again!!

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depends on where your working and how the rabbits are spread around, there are places where the warrens will refil quikly.


some places you can do almost weekly, provided there are plenty rabbits in the area.


and this bussines of rabbits not going in to warrens for months after a ferret has been in is nonsence.


i have regularly seen rabbits go back down a warren i have ferreted just a few minuets earlier

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depends on where your working and how the rabbits are spread around, there are places where the warrens will refil quikly.


some places you can do almost weekly, provided there are plenty rabbits in the area.


and this bussines of rabbits not going in to warrens for months after a ferret has been in is nonsence.


i have regularly seen rabbits go back down a warren i have ferreted just a few minuets earlier

as you say mate i think it all depends

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when i started ferreting for the waterboard, twenty years ago, i would visit the same warrens once a week, but numbers were obviously down, i would leave for at least four weeks, although you could still bolt rabbits after only a few days, depends how many rabbits there are in that area.

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Depends on rabbit density and the proximity of neighboring warrens. There is a gully on one of my permissions, which i ferret weekly and always have rabbits out of it. The only reason i do it every week is it is next door to my house mind. When i was a kid there were a HUGE number of rabbits around here and we would ferret the same sets about every two weeks and didn't seem to make too much of a difference to what we got out of them - i guess some areas are desirable for a rabbit to live in and so some sets will fill up really quickly as soon as word gets out they are empty.


I have ferreted one small set in my garden three days running and got at least one rabbit each day. It must act as a safe spot for rabbits caught out in the field.

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As above we have areas that are littered with massive burries on the south downs far to big to ferret but the smaller burries

that are spread around them you can ferret weekly and still get plenty out of them week after week but then some other places you ferret them once a year and they never seem to fill up again till the spring/summer

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Last season I hit the same burrow once a week, the owner wanted rabbits gone completely and kept saying he saw rabbits their so kept going till they where all gone, a lot of digging but in the end it's worth it and have more permission because of it.


But saying that if by choice I would leave it about a month and if possible even longer.


All the best,



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i know people say leave it a month a week and so on but i do them if the dog marks it even if i've done them a couple of days before youd be surprised how quickly rabbits start using them again


Yeah thats fine if you have a dog, whereas a lot of us don't so theirs no chance of knowing if rabbits are home or not, other than fresh poo, fur around the entrances etc.


All the best,



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If the dog marks them i'd ferret them again usually about a fornight though .But it all depends on the type of ground rabbit numbers , I had a small pemission 100 acres and i ferreted that weekly before i got the dog as the rabbits from the other ground filled the void but you would start out getting 50,them 30 then the numbers dwindled right down so where do you call a halt ?

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