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T.H.L AIR GUN section meet up!

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hi every one Chaz & i would like to thank every one for turning up over the week end!and thanks to Matt hooks,Gary & Shannon,tony. for helping setting up,and packing away!! we hope you all

What can I say that has not already been said   Nowt so I'll repeat!   Davy and Chaz, That was a wonderful experiance the whole weekend was truely superb I among with everyone else really do a

Okay back on track eh?     :laugh:   Phantom  

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  On 28/07/2010 at 21:42, Ideation said:
  On 28/07/2010 at 20:38, Phantom said:
  On 28/07/2010 at 17:38, Phantom said:
  On 28/07/2010 at 16:18, Ideation said:

You guys are like the f*****g boy scouts - you outta be giving lessons to the rest of us on how to not be c**ts at every opportunity.


My translation of this is:


The airgun section is a well run, almost self moderating section; without a load of backstabing A-Holes that take everychance to slag each other off.

And Ideation wishes that the other forums on here could be the same :gunsmilie:


Am I correct Ideation?




Aparently I'm wrong with my interpretation :doh:


  On 26/07/2010 at 10:31, Ideation said:

I am friendly, apart from to the idiots! :whistling: It's a lot better on here than the lurcher or terrier section. As for the air rifle section - to be honest it makes me cringe - they are all a bit too back slappy and self congratulatory for my liking


Sounds like he's no fun to be with (taken from the Ferreting section btw)




Oh but Phantom i AM so much fun! You just need to get to know me :victory: That was written in reply to the assertion that we should be more like the air rifle section - and my feeling was - whilst the dog section gives me a headache with all the egos, i'm just too much of a miserable grumpy b*****d who loves an argument - i just couldn't handle you guys full time. I do like to come and marvel at you though - you convince me there is some hope :tongue2::thumbs:


The 'self-congratulatory' comment was in reference to the many lengthy, multi photographed threads that always fill the section in the summer with folk talking about the much needed 'pest control' they are carrying out, when they have managed to shoot 1 or 2 kits that you could kill with a cricket bat.


P.S - Half the point of internet forums is a good old name calling argument!


Not quite a HLS but almost a bite :boogie:


Only Joking with you bud, I figured I was actually right with my 1st translation :laugh:


:hmm: never though of using a cricket bat on a kit, baseball bat maybe but couldn't do with the blood staining the willow :laugh:



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I actually feel quite sorry for you that you can't take pleasure from other people's success. I don't know whether you shoot or not, but pulling off a perfect headshot from 40+ yards is extremely satisfying no matter how many times you have done it before. On this part of the forum we respect each others marksmanship as we all fully appreciate how difficult it is and how much time and dedication goes into every single kill. Perhaps you should provide us with photo's and a write up of your upcoming cricket bat hunting trips, we'd all love to see how you get on!

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  On 28/07/2010 at 21:57, garfield said:

only with laughter lad! i miss having a giggle at old JD and his fits of spouting bollox :tongue2::victory:


Now Now boys, play nice, remember we are here to show the other forums how to behave :angel:



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I miss JD, I really do....


Some daft feckwit with nothing better to do. Always made for a good old giggle.


It's just a real shame that some folks have decided to come on here for whatever reason and try to cause grief.


There's some proper feckin' wind up merchants on here and maybe it's not best to take the bait.


For those on this section that don't look at other parts of THL, take a look and see what the other folks have posted before. May give you an idea before biteing........... :thumbs:



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  On 28/07/2010 at 22:00, Phantom said:
  On 28/07/2010 at 21:42, Ideation said:
  On 28/07/2010 at 20:38, Phantom said:
  On 28/07/2010 at 17:38, Phantom said:
  On 28/07/2010 at 16:18, Ideation said:

You guys are like the f*****g boy scouts - you outta be giving lessons to the rest of us on how to not be c**ts at every opportunity.


My translation of this is:


The airgun section is a well run, almost self moderating section; without a load of backstabing A-Holes that take everychance to slag each other off.

And Ideation wishes that the other forums on here could be the same :gunsmilie:


Am I correct Ideation?




Aparently I'm wrong with my interpretation :doh:


  On 26/07/2010 at 10:31, Ideation said:

I am friendly, apart from to the idiots! :whistling: It's a lot better on here than the lurcher or terrier section. As for the air rifle section - to be honest it makes me cringe - they are all a bit too back slappy and self congratulatory for my liking


Sounds like he's no fun to be with (taken from the Ferreting section btw)




Oh but Phantom i AM so much fun! You just need to get to know me :victory: That was written in reply to the assertion that we should be more like the air rifle section - and my feeling was - whilst the dog section gives me a headache with all the egos, i'm just too much of a miserable grumpy b*****d who loves an argument - i just couldn't handle you guys full time. I do like to come and marvel at you though - you convince me there is some hope :tongue2::thumbs:


The 'self-congratulatory' comment was in reference to the many lengthy, multi photographed threads that always fill the section in the summer with folk talking about the much needed 'pest control' they are carrying out, when they have managed to shoot 1 or 2 kits that you could kill with a cricket bat.


P.S - Half the point of internet forums is a good old name calling argument!


Not quite a HLS but almost a bite :boogie:


Only Joking with you bud, I figured I was actually right with my 1st translation :laugh:


:hmm: never though of using a cricket bat on a kit, baseball bat maybe but couldn't do with the blood staining the willow :laugh:




:thumbs: Good on you mate! Like i said - i a miserable fecker sometimes.


. . . . . and Nathan R - yes i do shoot, most days in fact and yes i do realize the skill involved in lengthy head shots. There is another argument i don't want to get into about respecting your quarry alive and dead. But sorry for any offense i may have caused you :icon_redface:

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Hi Tony.


As Boy Scout's we are known for our charitable nature, and helpful attitude towards others.


We take pride in sharing and involving others in our activities, and are always ready to help those in need, and to encourage each other.


The friendships and bonds we share, and our loyalty to one and other, is often the envy of others, less fortunate in their own miserable social, and day to day lives.


Try to make allowances for the weak, the rude, and for those expelled from other circules, because of their spitefulness and malace.


They are seeking the control,the power, and the recognition/attention that has been lost in their lives, because of their own self destruction and alienization.




So from one Scout to another........Dibb Dibb my friend.....and have a nice day :laugh::laugh::laugh::tongue2:






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it does look a bit boy scoutish and not my cup of tea , but everyone enjoys doing different things and i dont think it should be jumped upon by people who are lurcher blind.




p.s. good to see a shot hare lol

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  On 28/07/2010 at 23:25, Phantom said:

Okay back on track eh?





:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:







Ohhhh my.....is that the Trophy you won for your excellent Marksmanship at the recent Scout meeting Tony ?? :whistling::notworthy:


Very well done mate :clapper::clapper::clapper::thumbs:


Nice rifle to buddy :toast:




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